jupyter/tensorflow-notebook with a stack of geospatial packages added
rios gdal numpy scipy matplotlib bottleneck flask flask_cors python-dateutil pathlib click rasterio fiona affine shapely pyproj scipy scikit-learn earthengine-api boto3 bs4 requests jupyter jupyterthemes pip pandas geopandas pillow fastapi uvicorn gitpython click pyarrow pydeck tornado altair base58 blinker pathtools tzlocal validators toml enum-compat watchdog confuse statsmodels numba jupyter_contrib_nbextensions pysheds nbconvert=5.6.1 psycopg2 sshtunnel folium pdal python-pdal richdem streamlit gcc binutils piexif tuiview htop tpot xgboost jupyterlab nodejs pygedi tflite_runtime
docker pull petescarth/base-rs