
By petescarth

Updated over 2 years ago

cschranz/gpu-jupyter:v1.4_cuda-11.2_ubuntu-20.04_slim with a stack of geospatial packages added.



GPU container with some spatial tools built on cschranz/gpu-jupyter:v1.4_cuda-11.2_ubuntu-20.04_slim

Run it (with default password gpu-jupyter) using e.g.

docker run --gpus all -it -p 8888:8888 -v $PWD:/home/jovyan/work --user `id -u $USER` petescarth/gpu-rs


affine altair arosics>=1.3.0 authlib awscli base58 binutils blinker boto3 bottleneck bs4 chalice click confuse cudnn cupy cutensor dask dill earthengine-api enum-compat fastapi fiona flask flask-login flask_cors folium gcc gdal geopandas geowombat gitpython htop htop jax jaxlib jupyterlab jupyterlab keplergl lastools lightgbm matplotlib nbconvert=5.6.1 nccl nodejs numba numpy opencv pandas pathlib pathtools pdal piexif pillow pip plotly proj-data psycopg2 pyaf pyarrow pydeck pydot pyproj pysheds python-dateutil python-dotenv python-jose python-pdal rasterio requests richdem rios sarsen scikit-learn scipy seaborn shapely sqlalchemy sshtunnel statsmodels streamlit toml tornado tpot tuiview tzlocal uvicorn validators watchdog xarray xgboost xmlschema pygedi tflite_runtime

Docker Pull Command

docker pull petescarth/gpu-rs