
By picoded

Updated almost 7 years ago

Normalising docker log handling, to IMO a saner default






Normalising docker log handling, to IMO a saner default

You will need the following volume mounted, with read/write access. /var/lib/docker/containers/:/var/lib/docker/containers/:rw

More details

An oversimplified logrotation setup for docker. That functions as a base default for docker deployments.

This was designed to be used along with FileBeat.


For crtical production use of logs however, you will need to setup, a full log infrastructure stack. Such as ELK

And even without filebeat, I would still ensure that this is running, so that individual container logs do not build up to gigbyte sizes.

The following is the summary of the container.

  • Pickup new containers within 5 minutes
  • Works with FileBeat
  • Clearing of log entry within 10 days
  • Accept possible log loss (due to copytruncate) on rotation

Docker and copytruncate issue

Copytruncate issue : https://linux.die.net/man/8/logrotate (Search the copytruncate segment)

Docker issue : https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/7333

Because it seem that docker will not be supporting the logging filehandle change notification "anytime soon", without re-configuring the container. Usage of copytruncate is still needed for containers, not having their own dedicate logging infrastructure.

Issue filling

Any problems / comments / kudos should be filed at github =) https://github.com/picoded/dockerfiles

Docker Pull Command

docker pull picoded/docker-logrotate