Telegram Vixen Bot is a bot for automatically banning spammers in Telegram chats. Written in Dart that helps prevent spam in Telegram groups by generating and sending CAPTCHA challenges to new users with a virtual keyboard. It automatically deletes initial messages from unverified users and supports multiple blocking modes.
file, or environment variables.Argument | Environment | Description | Default |
-t, --token= | CONFIG_TOKEN | (Required) Telegram bot token | — |
-c, --chats= | CONFIG_CHATS | Comma-separated list of chat IDs | — |
-s, --secret= | CONFIG_SECRET | Secret admin API key | — |
-d, --database= | CONFIG_DATABASE | Path to the SQLite database file | data/vixen.db |
-a, --address= | CONFIG_ADDRESS | Address to bind the server to | |
-p, --port= | CONFIG_PORT | Port to bind the server to | 8080 |
-v, --verbose= | CONFIG_VERBOSE | Verbose mode: all , debug , info , warn , error | warn |
docker pull plugfox/vixen