
By plugfox

Updated about 14 hours ago



Telegram Vixen Bot

CheckoutBuildLicense: MITGitHub

Telegram Vixen Bot is a bot for automatically banning spammers in Telegram chats. Written in Dart that helps prevent spam in Telegram groups by generating and sending CAPTCHA challenges to new users with a virtual keyboard. It automatically deletes initial messages from unverified users and supports multiple blocking modes.

✨ Features

  • CAPTCHA Verification: Requires new users to complete a CAPTCHA before they can send messages.
  • Blocking Modes: Supports different verification and restriction mechanisms.
  • Admin API: Provides an API for managing bot settings and operations.
  • SQLite Storage: Stores persistent data in an SQLite database.
  • Group-Specific Monitoring: Watches only designated groups.
  • Metrics Support: Tracks bot performance and user activity.
  • Flexible Configuration: Configurable via command-line arguments, .env file, or environment variables.

⚙️ Configuration

-t, --token=CONFIG_TOKEN(Required) Telegram bot token
-c, --chats=CONFIG_CHATSComma-separated list of chat IDs
-s, --secret=CONFIG_SECRETSecret admin API key
-d, --database=CONFIG_DATABASEPath to the SQLite database filedata/vixen.db
-a, --address=CONFIG_ADDRESSAddress to bind the server to0.0.0.0
-p, --port=CONFIG_PORTPort to bind the server to8080
-v, --verbose=CONFIG_VERBOSEVerbose mode: all, debug, info, warn, errorwarn

Docker Pull Command

docker pull plugfox/vixen