!! DEPRECATED. Use "extended-postgres" instead !! PostgreSQL Docker images with WAL-G
!! DEPRECATED. Use "extended-postgres" instead !!
PostgreSQL Docker images with WAL-G.
Use these images when you need set up a replica fetching WAL archives from an S3-compatible storage.
Example of sync instance usage with backups in Google Cloud Storage:
docker run \
--name sync_instance \
--env PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/pgdata \
--env WALG_GS_PREFIX="gs://{BUCKET}/{SCOPE}" \
--env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/etc/sa/credentials.json" \
--volume {PATH_TO_CREDENTIALS}:/etc/sa/credentials.json \
--volume /var/lib/dblab/data:/var/lib/postgresql/pgdata:rshared \
--detach \
See the full list of configuration options in the WAL-G project repo.
docker pull postgresai/sync-instance