
By ppiper

Updated over 3 years ago

Container Structure Test with shell to work with ppiper/jenkins-master



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This is a collection of Dockerfiles for images that can be used in Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines for SAP development projects. The images are optimized for use with project "Piper" on Jenkins. Docker containers simplify your CD tool setup, encapsulating tools and environments that are required to execute pipeline steps.

If you want to learn how to use project "Piper" please have a look at the documentation. Introductory material and a lot of SAP scenarios not covered by project "Piper" are described in our Continuous Integration Best Practices.

Note: This repository has been split up. Please refer to the following repositories for current Dockerfiles and documentation:

Docker Images

The following images are published on hub.docker.com:

NameDescriptionDocker Image
JenkinsUse a preconfigured Jenkins to run project "Piper" pipelines.ppiper/jenkins-master
Cloud MTA Build ToolBuild multitarget applications with the Cloud MTA Build Tool.devxci/mbtci
CM ClientInteract with SAP Solution Manager or CTS using the command line.ppiper/cm-client
CloudFoundry CLIUse command line tools for Cloud Foundry with plugins for blue-green deployment and MTA.ppiper/cf-cli
Neo CLIUse SAP Cloud Platform tools for Neo.neo-cli/
Jenkinsfile RunnerRun a Jenkinsfile without a long-running, stateful Jenkins master. The Jenkinsfile Runner is based on ppiper/jenkins-master.ppiper/jenkinsfile-runner
Life Cycle ContainerImprove life-cycle management of the cx-server by using a sidecar image.ppiper/cx-server-companion
Container Structure TestRun container structure tests with a shell for ppiper/jenkins-master.ppiper/container-structure-test
Node BrowsersUse web browsers for end-to-end tests of web applications in Jenkins pipelines.node-browsers/
SAP HANA XS Advanced CLIUse command line tools to deploy to SAP HANA XS Advanced.Dockerfile

How to obtain support

Feel free to open new issues for feature requests, bugs or general feedback on the GitHub issues page of this project.


Read and understand our contribution guidelines before opening a pull request.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ppiper/container-structure-test