The CLI for Ansible AWX / Tower, made easily available in a container image
This repository contains the CLI for Ansible AWX / Tower, made easily available in a container image.
The container image can be found on the Docker Hub.
The versioning of this project follows the one of the official awxkit library.
This container can be run using the following command:
docker run --rm \
-t docker.io/ppodgorsek/ansible-awx-cli:latest \
awx {{ CLI arguments }}
For example, triggering a job template can be done as follows:
docker run --rm \
-t docker.io/ppodgorsek/ansible-awx-cli:latest \
awx job_templates launch 'Job name CHANGEME' --conf.host='https://changeme' --conf.token='changeme' --filter=status --monitor -f human
All official AWX CLI arguments can be used. The complete list can be found in AWX CLI's official documentation.
It is possible to run the project within an Azure DevOps pipeline by relying on a simple script, as the Docker@2
task currently only allows to build and push images:
- script: |
docker run --rm -t docker.io/ppodgorsek/ansible-awx-cli:latest awx {{ CLI arguments }}
displayName: Ansible AWX
Have you found an issue? Do you have an idea for an improvement? Feel free to contribute by submitting it on the GitHub project.
docker pull ppodgorsek/ansible-awx-cli