
By ppodgorsek

Updated over 6 years ago

A load-balancer taking care of SSL termination, using httpd

Web Servers


Httpd load-balancer with SSL termination in Docker

What is it?

This project consists of a Docker image containing a load-balancer taking care of SSL termination, based on httpd.

It allows to use a dedicated folder for any custom configuration for httpd.


The versioning of this image follows the one of Apache httpd:

  • Major version matches the one of httpd
  • Minor and patch versions are specific to this project (allows to update the versions of the other dependencies)

The current versions used are:

  • httpd 2.4
  • mod_ssl 2.4

Running the container

This container can be run using the following command:

docker run \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 443:443 \
Server name

The ServerName directive can be defined by setting the SERVER_NAME environment variable, as per the following example:

docker run \
    -e SERVER_NAME=myserver.com \

By default, it is set to localhost.

Defining custom configuration

If you would like to use custom configuration files, simply place them in a folder and mount it as a volume:

docker run \
    -v <local path to folder containing configuration files>:/etc/httpd/conf.d:Z \

All *.conf files placed in that folder will be loaded in addition to a minimal httpd configuration. Remember, those files will be imported in alphabetical order.

Backend servers

By default, all requests received on ports 80 and 443 will be forwarded to the AJP port (8009) on localhost (the Docker host).

You can change this behaviour by setting the following environment variables when running the image:

  • BACKEND_HOSTS (default: localhost, the Docker host)
  • BACKEND_PORT (default: 8009)
  • BACKEND_PROTOCOL (default: ajp)

A list of backend hosts can be provided as a list separate by commas, for example:

docker run \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 443:443 \
    -e BACKEND_HOSTS=server1.mydomain.com,server2.mydomain.com \

The accepted backend protocols are:

  • ajp
  • http

Be aware that all backend servers must use the same port and protocol.


A default self-signed certificate has been generated for localhost. You can use your own certificate by mounting its location as a volume and by defining the corresponding environment variables:

  • SSL_KEY_FILE: the SSL private key file
  • SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE: the SSL certificate file (either self-generated or provided by your certificate authority)
  • SSL_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE: the SSL CA certificate provided by your certificate authority

The certificate files are relative to the folder which has been mounted. The run command would therefore resemble:

docker run \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 443:443 \
    -v <local path to the certificate's folder>:/opt/ssl:Z \
    -e SSL_KEY_FILE=mydomain.key \
    -e SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE=mydomain.cer \
    -e SSL_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE=mytrustprovider.cer \
Forbidden http requests

This image can redirect all http requests to their https counterpart, as a matter of security. For example, http://my.domain/example.html will be redirected to https://my.domain/example.html.

This can be controlled by the SERVER_FORCE_HTTPS environment variable:

docker run \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 443:443 \
    -e SERVER_FORCE_HTTPS=false \

The value is set to true by default.

Request timeout

The request timeout can be set by using the SERVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT environment variable:

docker run \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 443:443 \

The value is set to 120 by default.

Server signature

It is possible to influence the signature of server-generated pages (internal error documents, FTP directory listings, etc) by setting the SERVER_SIGNATURE environment variable. It can have a limited number of values:

  • On: the default signature is displayed
  • Off: no signature is displayed
  • EMail: will include a mailto: link to the server admin, set using the SERVER_ADMIN_EMAIL environment variable (empty by default)

The server signature is off by default but can be enabled in the run command:

docker run \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 443:443 \
    -e SERVER_ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@mydomain.com \

Known issues

Using localhost as a backend server

Issues can occur when using localhost as a backend server on Windows and Mac, depending on the version of Docker you are using. This is due to a bad resolution of that host name, pointing to the container itself instead of the host.

To avoid such issues, replace localhost by the IP address of your host.

Please contribute!

Have you found an issue? Do you have an idea for an improvement? Feel free to contribute by submitting it on the GitHub project.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ppodgorsek/httpd-ssl-balancer