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By PrimeImages

Updated about 1 year ago

Ubuntu with Odin installed

Languages & Frameworks




This image contains a build of the Odin programming language on an Ubuntu base image. Amongst others, it's used by a number of solutions in the Primes project. It was created as a separate base image because the Odin build time was prohibitive for it to be built as part of the Primes CI process.


To run the odin image as is, use the following command:

docker run -ti primeimages/odin

To use the odin image as a base image for a Docker image of your own creation, make sure the first line of your Dockerfile looks as follows:

FROM primeimages/odin:<version>

Replace <version> with the Odin version you want to use that's available in the image's Tags list, or latest for the latest available version.

Dockerfile source code

The source code for this image is available at the following location:

Contact information

If you have any questions about the odin image, please create an issue in the GitHub repository's Issues section.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull primeimages/odin