MapAdmin is a web-based administration interface and REST API around MapServer similar to GeoServer.
MapAdmin is a web administration interface and a PHP wrapper around MapServer which allows to manipulate mapfiles in a RESTFul way. It has been developped to match as close as possible the way the GeoServer REST API acts.
It is Free and Open Source Software. All contributions are most welcome!
For more information, visit the documentation
MapAdmin can be installed on almost any existing apache + mapserver environment.
Or conveniently as a new service using docker.
docker run -d -p 80:80 -v "path/to/folder:/var/www/data_dir" --name mapadmin programmerg/mapadmin:0.1-8.4-1.14-apache
docker exec -it mapadmin mapcache_seed -c /var/www/data_dir/mapcache.xml -t "$tileSetName" -g "$gridName"
TAG names are constructed as "MapAdmin version - MapServer version - MapCache version - webserver type"
This project is Free and Open Source Software, licensed under the MIT license.
docker pull programmerg/mapadmin