
By proteowizard

Updated 26 days ago

Makes it easy to run ProteoWizard and Skyline on Linux.

Data Science
Integration & Delivery



This is a Docker image for running command-line ProteoWizard tools with vendor format support, which normally only work on Windows, on non-Windows platforms like MacOS and Linux. Tools like msconvert and SkylineCmd are included and you can see examples of using them below. If you don't know what Docker is or how to run things on a command-line, there will be a learning curve. See below for links to install and use Docker on MacOS and Linux.


In general, ProteoWizard is free for both commercial and non-commercial use, but you may not charge a fee for use of ProteoWizard (with vendor support enabled). And as the image name implies, you must agree to the vendor licenses to use this image. Read them here (switch between licenses at the top):


This container provides only command-line tools. If you are not familiar with running things on the command-line, consider a tutorial such as this one for MacOS or this one for Linux. If you need a GUI interface to MSConvert or Skyline, you will need a real Windows machine or VM. Once you have a command-line open, see below for some example commands.


In these examples, /your/data should be replaced with a local path on your host, such as /Users/johnsmith/my-mass-spec-data. The /data part is on the container side and you should not change it.

  1. docker run -it --rm -v /your/data:/data proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine msconvert /data/file.raw -o /data
  2. docker run -it --rm -v /your/data:/data proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine SkylineCmd --dir=/data/Skyline-files --in=<input>.sky --import-file=<input>.raw --chromatogram-products --chromatogram-file=<output>.tsv
Supported vendor formats:
ABI T2Dnot working
Agilent MHDAC (non-IMS)working
Agilent MIDAC (IMS)working
Bruker BAFworking
Bruker FID/YEPnot working
Bruker TSF/TDFworking
Mobilion MBIworking
Sciex WIFFworking
Sciex WIFF2working
Shimadzu QQQworking
Shimadzu QTOFworking
Thermo RAWworking
Waters RAWworking
Waters UNIFInot working
For msconvert command-line help:

docker run -it --rm proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine msconvert --help

For Skyline command-line help:

docker run -it --rm proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses wine SkylineCmd --help


If something goes wrong and there's no error, try rerunning with -e WINEDEBUG=fixme-all+msgbox+relay. If that doesn't help identify a solution, send your command-line and the output you get to We may need a representative data file to test on as well.

This Docker image is built from the Dockerfile at:

Docker Pull Command

docker pull proteowizard/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses