
By ptuladhar

Updated almost 4 years ago



Unmaintaned: We don't use this image anymore and therefore don't maintain it. Feel free to fork it though.

JNLP Slave with Docker

A JNLP Slave Docker image with docker and docker-compose installed. We use this with the Jenkins ECS plugin to automatically provision Jenkins slaves which then can use Docker to run their jobs.

You can either connect via the Docker socket like this:

docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ninech/jnlp-slave-with-docker docker ps

Or better, connect to some external Docker deamon via TCP:

docker run -e DOCKER_HOST=dind ninech/jnlp-slave-with-docker docker ps

See the docker-compose.yml file for reference.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ptuladhar/jnlp-slave-with-docker