
By puppet

Updated over 3 years ago

A tiny utility for ensuring TLS certificates are up-to-date in a Kubernetes namespace




A tiny utility for ensuring TLS certificates in Kubernetes are up-to-date.

tlser can be used standalone to generate certificates from a pregenerated CA (cert/key pair). Just provide -subject to get started.

tlser is really intended to be used as a small initContainer in a Kubernetes cluster that ensures certificates that are used by an application are up-to-date with template input, via Helm or KOTS. It's intended to be much simpler to use than cert-manager while still providing fully usable certificate maintenance.

To use tlser in a cluster, include puppet/tlser:1.3.0 as an initContainer, mount a CA cert/key pair as a volume, and specify necessary arguments (-name is required) such as

tlser -cacert /cert/tls.crt -cakey /cert/tls.key -name app-tls -subject example.com -dns example.com,localhost,app -ip -expire 365 -label app=myapp -label part-of=myapp

When run, tlser will check whether a secret exists. If it exists, is not expired or about to expire, and its properties already match the parameters, it won't be regenerated. Otherwise it generates a new certificate and updates or creates the appropriate secret.

If run in a Kubernetes pod, tlser will use the namespace that pod runs in. Otherwise it will default to default. You can override the namespace with -namespace.

tlser can also be run continuously to monitor a cert and update it when necessary by passing the -interval flag, such as -interval 6h.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull puppet/tlser