Apache JMeter docker for Windows OS
This repo helps you to run Apache JMeter in your Windows container. It uses the JMeter 5.2 on Windows Server Core with OpenJDK.
If you want to build this image, download this repo and use the below command in docker.
docker build --build-arg JMETER_VERSION=5.2.1 -t jmeter-windows .
First you need to install Docker for Windows. You can use your laptop with Windows 10 Pro or spin up an AWS EC2 instance under free tier. Second, you need compatible Windows version as your base OS. If there is a conflict, you may not be able to run it.
Use docker pull qainsights/windows-docker-jmeter
command to pull the image. This will pull the image from Docker Hub.
Use docker run qainsights/windows-docker-jmeter
command to run JMeter inside the container. Below is the sample command which executes the sample JMeter test plan located in the examples
docker run qainsights/windows-docker-jmeter -n -t .\examples\CSVSample.jmx -l Run1.jtl
To run in interactive mode, use the below command.
docker run -it qainsights/windows-docker-jmeter -n -t .\examples\CSVSample.jmx -l Run1.jtl
To remove the container once the execution is completed, use the below command.
docker run -rm qainsights/windows-docker-jmeter -n -t .\examples\CSVSample.jmx -l Run1.jtl
If you want to mount your host machine, you can use the below sample command.
docker run -it -v C:\apache-jmeter-5.2\bin\examples:C:\apache-jmeter-5.2\apache-jmeter-5.2\bin\examples qainsights/windows-docker-jmeter -n -t .\examples\CSVSample.jmx -l .\examples\Run1Log.jtl
You can keep your JMeter files in your host machine and pass it to the container for execution. Once the execution is done, you can view the log/jtl files in your host machine.
Important Notes:
in front of the folder names, as the entry point leverages powershell.jmeter
command, just append -n -t <yourJMeterTestName>.jmx
file name.docker pull qainsights/windows-docker-jmeter