
By qmcgaw

Updated 11 months ago

Quentin's blog




Static blog using Hugo

Automated CI/CD

The blog is hosted on my server as a Docker container.

Each push to the main branch on this repository triggers a Github Actions CI build which pushes a Docker image to Docker Hub to the qmcgaw/blog repository.

My server uses watchtower to automatically update the qmcgaw/blog Docker image associated container automatically.

Build locally

You can build the Docker image locally with

docker build -t qmcgaw/blog .

Run it

You can run it with the docker-compose.yml provided or with:

docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000/tcp qmcgaw/blog


The Docker image is based on qmcgaw/srv which has several features such as Prometheus metrics.

The blog itself in this repository is just based on static Markdown/SVG/JPG files.

The Docker build takes care of trans-compiling them with Hugo.


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  • When Docker doesn't behave the same
    • No support for capabilities (old Kernel)
    • libseccomp2 and Alpine >= 3.13 on 32 bit, especially Raspbian
    • libcap and setcap with older Kernels
  • Fastest thread safe uniformly distributed number generation
  • Implementing DoH and DoT net.Resolver in Go
  • Gluetun
  • Rust development container
  • Rust cross compilation for Docker
  • Rust: glibc vs musl
  • goshutdown
  • xcputranslate sleep feature
    • avoid OOM
  • Generated files:
    • generate them in the CI and commit them by the CI; or
    • generate them in the CI and fail if it does not match, leave the commit responsibility to the developer

Not done yet™️

  • Implementing DNSSEC in Go
  • Cross compiling Rust for OSX and Windows
  • go build using large amount of memory with large hardcoded values in Go files, solved by using embed
  • Encapsulation of metrics interfaces in a Go program
  • Gotree
  • go.mod check for useless dependencies: write a Go linter for it
  • A Traefik-like firewall for Docker containers

Not programming

  • Comparison of humans and computers
    • Von Neumann architecture
    • Neuromorphic architecture
    • Caching / Training
    • Learn from past to anticipate future better
    • Are humans more stream oriented or more stateful? e.g. our past is an approximate memory and our future is a prediction based on logic and emotions
    • Human addictions when we get better (sports, gaming, even work): do machines have that too?
      • We enjoy being good at something, do machines do it as well?
    • Some like to learn new things, do machines have this?
    • How does AI gets closer to humans.
  • Will we have more differentiation with time or not?
    • religions?
    • languages?
    • states?
    • more planets?
    • compared to previous history?
    • easier communication today than before
    • intra planet communication?
  • Would we get bored of living forever?
    • We do repeat tasks most of our life already

Docker Pull Command

docker pull qmcgaw/blog