(W.I.P) A Modded Java Minecraft server container for Unraid that runs All the Mods 10
(UN-Official, Work in Progress)
This container is built to run on an Unraid server, outside of that your milliage will vary.
The docker on first run will download the same version as tagged of All the Mods 10-2.6.0
and install it. This can take a while as the Forge installer can take a bit to complete. You can watch the logs and it will eventually finish.
After the first run it will simply start the server.
Note: There are no modded minecraft files shipped in the container, they are all downloaded at runtime.
As the end user, you are repsonsible for accepting the EULA from Mojang to run their server, by default in the container it is set to false.
These environment variables can be set at run time to override their defaults.
Set the enviroment variable OPS
with a comma separated list of players.
Did you pass in the environment variable EULA set to true
This container is designed for Unraid so the user in the container runs on uid 99 and gid 100. This may cause permission errors on the /data mount on other systems.
If the install is incomplete for some reason. Deleting the downloaded server file in /data will restart the install/upgrade process.
Github: https://github.com/RFlor14/docker-allthemods10 Docker: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/r14f/allthemods10
Github: https://github.com/Goobaroo/docker-allthemods9 Docker: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/goobaroo/allthemods9
docker pull r14f/allthemods10