The service to authorize and persist user information
An application to get authorization from users to access their data through 3rd party APIs. Mainly supports OAuth2 Authorization code follow to request authorization and processes the returned authorization code to add new entries of users. It creates new users and adds properties compatible and required by the RADAR-REST-CONNECTOR/RADAR-FITBIT-REST-CONNECTOR.
RADAR REST Source-Connectors
can use the APIs as follows.
GET */users/{source-type}
.GET */users/{id}
.GET */users/{id}/token
.POST /users/{id}/token
.To run this application from source:
./gradlew build assemble
java -jar radar-rest-sources-authorizer*.jar
To build and run this application from Docker:
docker build -t radarbase/radar-rest-source-auth-backend:1.0.1 .
docker run -p 8080:8080 radarbase/radar-rest-source-auth-backend:latest
docker pull radarbase/radar-device-auth-backend