
Verified Publisher

By Rancher by SUSE

Updated about 3 years ago

Little helper to run Rancher Lab's k3s in Docker (Host or DinD): https://k3d.io

Integration & Delivery
Operating Systems



About k3d

https://k3d.io & https://github.com/rancher/k3d

k3s is the lightweight Kubernetes distribution by Rancher: rancher/k3s

k3d creates containerized k3s clusters. This means, that you can spin up a multi-node k3s cluster on a single machine using docker.

The images used for this can be found here: https://hub.docker.com/r/rancher/k3s

About this image repo

This image repo provides two image versions: "normal" and "dind" (Docker-in-Docker).

  • normal: FROM scratch, only containing the k3d binary
  • dind: FROM docker:xyz-dind, k3d binary + docker-in-docker + some debugging tools

Docker Pull Command

docker pull rancher/k3d