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By RavenDB

Updated 11 minutes ago

RavenDB NoSQL Database nightly builds

Databases & Storage


We provide images in two flavors: ubuntu-based (to be run on Linux containers) and nanoserver-based (to be run using Windows containers). The following tags are available:

  • ubuntu-latest - contains the latest version of RavenDB 4.0 running on Ubuntu 16.04 container

  • windows-nanoserver-latest - contains the latest version of RavenDB 4.0 running running on Windows nanoserver

  • every 4.0 release is going to have its own image set for both Ubuntu and Windows containers

  • latest points to ubuntu-latest


Simplest way to run and try RavenDB out is:

Linux image:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 ravendb/ravendb

Windows image:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 ravendb/ravendb:windows-nanoserver-latest

Optionally nightly images can be used from ravendb/ravendb-nightly

You can run RavenDB docker container manually by invoking docker run, yet if you don't feel that docker-savvy we recommend using our scripts:

Run Ubuntu-based image: run-ubuntu1604.ps1

Run Windows-based image: run-nanoserver.ps1

Above mentioned Powershell scripts are simplifying usage of our images allowing you to pass various switches and options to configure RavenDB inside the container:

-DryRunprint docker run command and exit
-LogsMode [log level]Operationsset logging level (Operations, Information)
-ConfigPath [absolute file path]absolute path to settings file used by RavenDB inside the container
-DataDir [absolute dir path]host directory mounted to the volume used for persistence of RavenDB data (if not provided a regular docker volume is going to be used)
-BindPort [port]8080the port number on which RavenDB Server is exposed on the container
-BindTcpPort [port]38888the port number on which RavenDB Server listens for TCP connections exposed on the container
-NoSetupdisable setup wizard
-RemoveOnExitremoves container on server process exit
-PublicServerUrlset the public url under which server is available to other nodes or admins (e.g.
-PublicTcpServerUrlset the url under which server is available to the outside world (e.g. tcp://
-UnsecuredHERE BE DRAGONS - disable authentication for RavenDB server

Once run RavenDB server should be exposed on port 8080 by default.

Docker volumes

Each of images above makes use of 2 volumes:

  • settings volume - holding RavenDB configuration,

    Ubuntu container: /opt/RavenDB/config

    Windows container: C:\RavenDB\Config

  • databases volume - used for persistence of RavenDB data,

    Ubuntu container: /opt/RavenDB/Server/RavenData

    Windows container: C:/RavenDB/Server/RavenData


To configure RavenDB one can use (in order of precedence):

- environment variables, 

- `settings.json` configuration file, 

- CLI arguments

Environment variables

Environment variables prefixed with RAVEN_ can be used to configure RavenDB server. E.g. one can use:


to disable RavenDB Setup Wizard.


I'm using compose / doing automated installation. How do I disable setup wizard?

Set Setup.Mode configuration option to None like so:

I want to try it out on my local / development machine. How do I run unsecured server?

Set env variables like so:

How can I pass command line arguments?

By modifying RAVEN_ARGS environment variable. It's passed as an CLI arguments line.

Can I see RavenDB logs by running docker logs?

To get logs available when running docker logs command, you need to turn that on for RavenDB server. Setting below environment variables like so is going to enable logging to console. Please note such behavior may have performance implications. Log level may be modified using RAVEN_Logs_Mode variable.

How to set a custom config file?

Mount it as a docker volume and use --config-path PATH_TO_CONFIG command line argument in order to use settings file from outside of server directory.


These images were built using the following Dockerfiles:

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ravendb/ravendb-nightly