
By reachfive

Updated about 6 years ago

Fake api server



Fake API Server

Install dependencies

npm install

Start development live-reload server

PORT=1090 npm run dev

Start production server:

PORT=1090 npm start


### Basic Mock

The basic mock allows you to send a request to an arbitrary named endpoint, then checked what was received. You can also specify in advance what the response should be.

#### Send a request

All frequent HTTP methods are possible: GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE. Use them on /request under whatever name you want.

POST /mock/whatever-name-i-want/request?some=parameter

  "name": "Bruce Wayne",
  "affiliation": "Wayne Enterprises",
  "hobby": "Dressing like a bat"

By default, you will receive an empty 200 response.

#### Setup a response

To set the response your call should receive, send them on /response under whatever name you want. The body is a JSON with three optional fields describing what response should be sent. If a field is empty, the default value will be used.

POST /mock/whatever-name-i-want/response

  "status": 417,
  "payload": {
    "error_message": "Sorry Mr. Wayne, I'm just a teapot"
  "headers": {
    "some-kind-of-header": "auie,ctsrnm"

You can also post an array of responses, and the endpoint will cycle through them.

POST /mock/whatever-name-i-want/response

    "status": 417,
    "payload": {
      "error_message": "Sorry Mr. Wayne, I'm just a teapot"
    "headers": {
      "some-kind-of-header": "auie,ctsrnm"
    "status": 200,
    "payload": {
      "confirmation": true

#### Get stored requests

To get all requests stored for some name:

GET /mock/whatever-name-i-want

You can filter with the following query parameters:

  • method: HTTP method used
  • since: requests received after some time (as an epoch timestamp in milliseconds)
  • until: requests received before some time (as an epoch timestamp in milliseconds)

The response has the following format:

    "query": {
      "some": "parameter"
    "body": {
      "name": "Bruce Wayne",
      "affiliation": "Wayne Enterprises",
      "hobby": "Dressing like a bat"
    "headers": {
      "content-type": "application/json",
      "accept": "*/*",
      "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
      "content-length": "19",
    "server_date": "2018-10-23T09:56:13.888Z",
    "endpoint_name": "whatever-name-i-want",
    "method": "POST"

You can get the requests for all endpoints on:

GET /mock/whatever-name-i-want

Send a fake SMS

POST /twilio/messages

  "To": "+33606060606",
  "From": "+33101010101",
  "Body": "Your verification code is 123456"

Retrieve all SMS sent

GET /twilio/messages

    "To": "+33606060606",
    "From": "+33101010101",
    "Body": "Your verification code is 123456"

You can filter with the following query parameters:

  • from: filter sender
  • to: filter recipient
  • since: filter date
  • until: filter date

Docker Pull Command

docker pull reachfive/fake-api-server