Docker images for TeXlive that easily adjust to your needs
Yet another attempt at coming up with working and generally applicable Docker images for TeXlive.
The basic concept is to provide small-ish base images which install additional packages from CTAN if and when needed.
These images attempt to cover the following use cases:
We currently publish the following images based on different selections from the TeXlive collections suggested by the installer; from smaller to larger:
We also provide PoCs to demonstrate that more involved applications can be built on top of the base images provided here:
The fastest way to build a document at hand (once) is this:
docker run --rm \
--volume `pwd`:/work/src:ro \
--volume `pwd`/out:/work/out \
reitzig/texlive-base-luatex \
work lualatex hello_world.tex
image are listed in Texlivefile
You can also use image reitzig/texlive-full
instead if you are happy
with downloading a (way) larger image.out
. Chose a folder name that you currently
do not use.See the scripts in examples
for other ways to use the images.
Place a file called Texlivefile
with a list of required CTAN packages,
one name per line, in the source directory.
The container will install all packages on that list before running the work command.
⚠️ Installing dependencies in this way will stop working once a new version of TeXlive is released, with an error like this:
tlmgr: Local TeX Live (2023) is older than remote repository (2024).
If you need to keep using an older image for a little while,
you can override the repository by setting environment variable
to a value like
This feature has been available since 2024.2; see reitzig/texlive-docker#18.2022953222 for hints on how to backport it to older images.
⚠️ Note that most CTAN mirrors do not maintain historic versions (cf. tex.SE#460132), so keep in mind that widespread use of this workaround will stress those few mirrors that do. We strongly recommend upgrading to the latest TeXlive version as soon as possible!
ℹ️ That said, an alternative is to maintain custom Docker images with historic package versions.
This approach completely avoids the need for running tlmgr
at runtime,
so repository freeze does not impact your builds.
You can adjust some defaults of the main container script by setting environment variables
(default: Texlivefile
(default: *.pdf *.log
)All output of the work command is collected in a single folder; extract it with:
docker cp $container:/work/tmp ./
docker build -t texlive-base-luatex --build-arg "profile=base-luatex" .
to build an image locally. Exchange base-luatex
for any of the profile names in
to start from another baseline.
If you repeatedly need the same exact set of dependencies or even sources, it might make sense to create your own TeXlive Docker image. There are two ways to go about that:
Extend one of the existing images using your own Dockerfile (see example); install additional TeXlive (or even Alpine) packages, copy source files or additional scripts into the appropriate folders, fix the work command, or ...
Use install-tl to create your own TeXlive installation profile. Make sure to
andbinary_x86_64-linux 1
in the resulting profile file
to binary_x86_64-linux 0
If you want to use your profile across different TeXlive versions,
replace all occurrences of the TeXlive version (e.g. 2019
) with ${tlversion}
Copy the final file to profiles
and run the regular build command.
docker pull reitzig/texlive-base