Auto-analysis functionality for ReportPortal
ES_HOSTS - Elasticsearch host (can be either like this "http://elasticsearch:9200", or with login and password delimited by : and separated from the host name by @)
LOGGING_LEVEL - logging level for the whole module, can be DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, CRITICAL
AMQP_URL - an url to the rabbitmq instance
AMQP_EXCHANGE_NAME - Exchange name for the module communication for this module, by default "analyzer"
ANALYZER_PRIORITY - priority for this analyzer, by default 1
ES_VERIFY_CERTS - turn on SSL certificates verification, by default "false"
ES_USE_SSL - turn on SSL, by default "false"
ES_SSL_SHOW_WARN - show warning on SSL certificates verification, by default "false"
ES_CA_CERT - provide a path to CA certs on disk, by default ""
ES_CLIENT_CERT - PEM formatted SSL client certificate, by default ""
ES_CLIENT_KEY - PEM formatted SSL client key, by default ""
ES_TURN_OFF_SSL_VERIFICATION - by default "false". Turn off ssl verification via using RequestsHttpConnection class instead of Urllib3HttpConnection class.
ANALYZER_BINARYSTORE_TYPE - you can set either "minio" or "filesystem" here, and this will be used as a strategy where to store information, connected with the analyzer, by default "minio"
MINIO_SHORT_HOST - by default "minio:9000", you need to set short host and port to the minio service. NOTE: if you don't use Minio, please set this variable with the value "", so analyzer won't try to connect to the Minio instance
MINIO_ACCESS_KEY - by default "minio", you need to set a minio access key here
MINIO_SECRET_KEY - by default "minio123", you need to set a minio secret key here
ANALYZER_BINARYSTORE_BUCKETPREFIX - by default "prj-", the prefix for buckets which are added to each project filepath.
ANALYZER_BINARYSTORE_MINIO_REGION - by default None, the region which you can specify for saving in AWS S3.
FILESYSTEM_DEFAULT_PATH - by default "storage", the path where will be stored all the information connected with analyzer, if ANALYZER_BINARYSTORE_TYPE = "filesystem". If you want to mount this folder to some folder on your machine, you can use this instruction in the docker compose:
- ./data/analyzer:/backend/storage
ES_CHUNK_NUMBER - by default 1000, the number of objects which is sent to ES while bulk indexing. NOTE: AWS Elasticsearch has restrictions for sent data size either 10Mb or 100Mb, so when 10Mb is chosen, make sure you don't get the error "TransportError(413, '{"Message": "Request size exceeded 10485760 bytes"}')" while generating index or indexing the data. If you get this error, please, decrease ES_CHUNK_NUMBER until you stop getting this error.
ES_PROJECT_INDEX_PREFIX - by default "", the prefix which is added to the created for each project indices. Our index name is the project id, so if it is 34, then the index "34" will be created. If you set ES_PROJECT_INDEX_PREFIX="rp_", then "rp_34" index will be created. We create several other indices which are sharable between projects, and this perfix won't influence them: rp_aa_stats, rp_stats, rp_model_train_stats, rp_done_tasks, rp_suggestions_info_metrics. NOTE: if you change an environmental variable, you'll need to generate index, so that a nex index is created and filled appropriately.
ES_MIN_SHOULD_MATCH - by default "80%", the global default min should match value for auto-analysis, but it is used only when the project settings are not set up.
ES_BOOST_AA - by default "-8.0", the value to boost auto-analyzed items while querying for Auto-analysis
ES_BOOST_LAUNCH - by default "4.0", the value to boost items with the same launch while querying for Auto-analysis
ES_BOOST_UNIQUE_ID - by default "8.0", the value to boost items with the same unique id while querying for Auto-analysis
ES_MAX_QUERY_TERMS - by default "50", the value to use in more like this query while querying for Auto-analysis
ES_MIN_WORD_LENGTH - by default "2", the value to use in more like this query while querying for Auto-analysis
ES_LOGS_MIN_SHOULD_MATCH - by default "0.98", the value of min should match for searching the same to investigate test items
PATTERN_LABEL_MIN_PERCENT - by default "0.9", the value of minimum percent of the same issue type for pattern to be suggested as a pattern with a label
PATTERN_LABEL_MIN_COUNT - by default "5", the value of minimum count of pattern occurance to be suggested as a pattern with a label
PATTERN_MIN_COUNT - by default "10", the value of minimum count of pattern occurance to be suggested as a pattern without a label
MAX_LOGS_FOR_DEFECT_TYPE_MODEL - by default "10000", the value of maximum count of logs per defect type to add into defect type model training. Default value is chosen in cosideration of having space for analyzer_train docker image setuo of 1GB, if you can give more GB you can linearly allow more logs to be considered.
Install python with the version 3.7.4. (it is the version on which the service was developed, but it should work on the versions starting from 3.6).
Perform next steps inside source directory of the analyzer.
python -m venv /venv
/venv/bin/pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
/venv/bin/python3 -m nltk.downloader -d /usr/share/nltk_data stopwords
/venv/bin/uwsgi --ini app.ini
python -m venv env
call env\Scripts\activate.bat
python -m pip install -r requirements_windows.txt
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
docker pull reportportal/service-auto-analyzer