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By riscv64

Updated 28 days ago

Postfix Admin - web based administration interface for Postfix mail servers.

Developer Tools


Note: this is the "per-architecture" repository for the riscv64 builds of the postfixadmin official image -- for more information, see "Architectures other than amd64?" in the official images documentation and "An image's source changed in Git, now what?" in the official images FAQ.

Quick reference

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

riscv64/postfixadmin build status badge

Quick reference (cont.)

What is Postfix Admin?

Postfix Admin is a web based interface to configure and manage a Postfix based email server for many users. Features include support for virtual domains and aliases, quotas, and vacation/out-of-the-office messages. It requires PHP, Postfix and one of MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite.


How to use this image

No config.local.php / no existing setup

If you do not have a config.local.php, then we fall back to look for environment variables to generate one.

$ docker run -e POSTFIXADMIN_DB_TYPE=mysqli \
           -e POSTFIXADMIN_DB_HOST=whatever \
           -e POSTFIXADMIN_DB_USER=user \
           -e POSTFIXADMIN_DB_PASSWORD=topsecret \
           -e POSTFIXADMIN_DB_NAME=postfixadmin \
           --name some-postfixadmin \

POSTFIXADMIN_DB_TYPE can be one of :

  • mysqli
  • pgsql
  • sqlite

Note: An SQLite database is not recommend but used as a fallback if you do not have a config.local.php and do not specify the above variables. Do not forget to add a volume for the SQLite path.

You can also specify a POSTFIXADMIN_SETUP_PASSWORD environment variable.

If you'd like to be able to access the instance from the host without the container's IP, standard port mappings can be used:

$ docker run -e POSTFIXADMIN_DB_TYPE=mysqli \
           -e POSTFIXADMIN_DB_HOST=whatever \
           -e POSTFIXADMIN_DB_USER=user \
           -e POSTFIXADMIN_DB_PASSWORD=topsecret \
           -e POSTFIXADMIN_DB_NAME=postfixadmin \
           --name some-postfixadmin \
           -p 8080:80

Then, access it via http://localhost:8080 or http://host-ip:8080 in a browser.

Existing config.local.php

$ docker run -v /local/path/to/config.local.php:/var/www/html/config.local.php \
           --name some-postfixadmin \
           -p 8080:80 \

... via docker-compose or docker stack deploy

Example docker-compose.yml for postfixadmin:

version: '3'

    image: mysql:8.0
    restart: always
      MYSQL_DATABASE: postfixadmin
      MYSQL_USER: postfixadmin
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: example

      - db
    image: postfixadmin
      - 8000:80
    restart: always
      POSTFIXADMIN_DB_USER: postfixadmin
      POSTFIXADMIN_DB_NAME: postfixadmin

Try in PWD

Run docker stack deploy -c stack.yml postfixadmin (or docker-compose -f stack.yml up), wait for it to initialize completely, and visit http://swarm-ip:8080, http://localhost:8080, or http://host-ip:8080 (as appropriate).

Image Variants

The riscv64/postfixadmin images come in many flavors, each designed for a specific use case.


This is the defacto image. If you are unsure about what your needs are, you probably want to use this one. It is designed to be used both as a throw away container (mount your source code and start the container to start your app), as well as the base to build other images off of.


This image starts only a PHP FPM container. Use this variant if you already have a seperate webserver.


This image has a very small footprint. It is based on Alpine Linux and starts only a PHP FPM process. Use this variant if you already have a seperate webserver. If you need more tools, that are not available on Alpine Linux, use the fpm image instead.


View license information for the software contained in this image.

As with all Docker images, these likely also contain other software which may be under other licenses (such as Bash, etc from the base distribution, along with any direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).

Some additional license information which was able to be auto-detected might be found in the repo-info repository's postfixadmin/ directory.

As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull riscv64/postfixadmin