
By rjnorthrow

Updated 24 days ago

Amiga Test Kit Docker build

Monitoring & Observability


atk - Amiga Test Kit

Build for Keir Fraser's Amiga Test Kit (formerly systest)

To use, install docker and then do:

docker run -ti --rm -v$(pwd):/output rjnorthrow/atk:latest

The zip file containing the goodies will be dropped into your current directory. If your file is called something like AmigaTestKit-ae428d4.zip, then this is the very latest version, newer than the current release. The seven character identifier is the short git ID from the HEAD

This is a multi-architecture build, it should work on any fairly recent Raspberry Pi, PC or Mac

Older versions

For versions 1.3 to 1.21: docker run -ti --rm -v$(pwd):/output -e "COMMIT=testkit-v1.17" rjnorthrow/atk:v1.21 (example for version 1.17)

Docker Pull Command

docker pull rjnorthrow/atk