Peerflix server with web interface. Weekly builds with latest version of peerflix
Streaming torrent client for node.js with web ui. Based on server application of peerflix from asapach. Since docker image was not being updated to latest version of peerflix, the docker image from onisuly is used as a basis.
Based on torrent-stream, inspired by peerflix.
This Dockerfile build an image for peerflix-server with password protection capability.
docker run -d --name peerflix-server \
-p 9000:9000 \
-v /your/path/to/torrent-stream:/mnt/torrents/torrent-stream \
docker run -d --name peerflix-server \
-p 9000:9000 \
-e SECURE=true \
-e USERNAME=your_name \
-e PASSWORD=your_password \
-v /your/path/to/torrent-stream:/mnt/torrents/torrent-stream \
If you want to add multiple users, your can generate .htpasswd file here and mount it to your container.
docker run -d --name peerflix-server \
-p 9000:9000 \
-v /your/path/to/.htpasswd:/etc/squid/users \
-v /your/path/to/torrent-stream:/mnt/torrents/torrent-stream \
Read Peerflix Server Readme for more information.
docker pull ronnieonthehub/peerflix-server