Tower configuration server
This image contains Tower Configuration Server. You can read more about Tower on the projects GitHub or documentation.
There are a few configuration variables that need to be set before starting Tower and this task can be done using two different mehods, mounting a configuration file or environment variables.
The first one is by mounting configuration file during docker run. The configuration file in located in /home/tower/backend directory, so all you need to do is mount .env file, like this:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name tower -v <<FULL_PATH>>/.env:/home/tower/backend/.env rpsofttower/tower:latest
Be sure to change the <<FULL_PATH>>
variable to correct path to your configuration files.
A template of this file can be found in our GitHub repositiory
The second option is a bit easier... All you need to do, is pass the configuration variables in environment variables, like this:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name tower -e DATABASE_URL="mongodb://mongo_host:27017/production" rpsofttower/tower:latest
You can find all environment variables in this table:
Environment Variable | Default value | Required |
HOST | | no |
PORT | 3000 | no |
LOG_LEVEL | ["log","error"] | no |
DATABASE_URL | "" | yes |
SECRET | "" | no |
TTL | 86400 | no |
AUDIT_TTL | 1 | no |
TOKEN_HEADERS | ["Authorization"] | no |
SSL_KEY_PATH | "" | no |
SSL_CERT_PATH | "" | no |
CORS | false | no |
All the variables are described in the template file
For testing purposes you can use docker-compose to start both Tower and mongo:
version: "3.3"
image: rpsofttower/tower:latest
restart: always
- "3000:3000"
PORT: 3000
DATABASE_URL: mongodb://mongo:27017/docker
- mongo
image: mongo:6.0
Command docker-compose up will initialize Tower. Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to start using Tower.
docker pull rpsofttower/tower