An utility that lets you graph nsq stats on Datadog by sending custom metrics via DogStatsD
is an utility that lets you graph nsq stats on Datadog by sending custom metrics via DogStatsD, allowing you to create beautiful dashboards with powerful monitors.
Figure 1. An example of a custom Datadog nsq dashboard with sample data.
The built-in statsd integration of nsqd pushes metrics using the common statsd paths (e.g. nsq.<nsqd_host>_<nsqd_port>.topic.<topic_name>.<metric_name>
). While this is the expected format for a standard statsd integration, DogStatsD augments the statsd protocol with a few extensions for taking advantage of special Datadog features. Tags are one of those killer features.
By pushing custom metrics to Datadog, a completely different range of features opens up. Instead of multiple specific metrics, one can send a single metric (e.g.
) and associate it with multiple topics and channels via tags. Monitoring becomes delightful and tracking issues such as high backend_depth
values across any nsqd node is trivial.
DogStatsD (Datadog's own statsd-compatible daemon) is bundled with the Datadog Agent but can be run separately (in what is known as standalone mode). If Datadog Agent is already running on some host, you don't need to do anything else - just point nsq_to_dogstatsd
If you want to experiment with DogStatsD in standalone mode, the simplest way is to run it inside a volatile Docker container. Be sure to add your API key and expose port 8125/udp
which is the listening port for DogStatsD:
docker run --rm --name dogstatsd -h `hostname` -p 8125:8125/udp -e API_KEY=<api-key> datadog/docker-dd-agent:latest-dogstatsd
Then run nsq_to_dogstatsd
either by running it via Docker or installing it according to your OS and architecture.
Using Docker:
docker run --rm ruimarinho/nsq-dogstatsd <args>
Using cURL:
curl -s | sh
Let's assume that you either have the Datadog Agent or a standalone DogStatsD server running on a local machine (
) on its default port (8125/udp
❯ nsq_to_dogstatsd
Usage of nsq_to_dogstatsd:
-dogstatsd-address string
<address>:<port> to connect to dogstatsd (default "")
-exclude-metrics value
exclude metrics using a regular expression pattern (can be specified multiple times)
-interval duration
interval for collecting metrics (default "none")
-lookupd-http-address value
<address>:<port> of nsqlookupd to query nodes for
-namespace string
namespace for metrics (default "nsq")
-nsqd-http-address value
<address>:<port> of nsqd node to query stats for
-tag value
add global tags (can be specified multiple times)
show version information
If both lookupd-http-address
and nsqd-http-address
are provided, all nsqd nodes will be used - those provided by nsqlookupd
in addition to those defined separately by the nsqd-http-address
flag. Duplicate nsqd nodes will be ignored.
The following example connects to a local nsqlookupd
instance running on
and uses a polling interval of 5 seconds to query for statistics while applying a global tag of environment:development
❯ docker run --rm ruimarinho/nsq-dogstatsd -lookupd-http-address -interval 5s -tag environment:development
Connecting to a local nsqd
directly is also possible. Consider an instance running on
❯ docker run --rm ruimarinho/nsq-dogstatsd -nsqd-http-address
Use the Metrics > Summary view of Datadog to check if your metrics are being sent correctly. It may take a few minutes for them to appear for the first time.
One of most powerful features of Datadog are its monitors. They allow you to monitor certain metrics for specific changes and alert you when those conditions are met. This is extremely useful to monitor nsq clusters and prevent potential issues.
Here's how you can can create a monitor:
For instance, choose
and select avg by channel
, topic
, node
Check Trigger a separate alert for each (multi alert).
Select Threshold Alert:
nsq depth on channel {{}} ({{}}) is increasing on {{}}
Choose whoever should be notified about potential monitor changes.
docker pull ruimarinho/nsq-dogstatsd