A Z-Way server docker image.
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, latest
(2/Dockerfile)This image will be automatically updated whenever there is an update to the base image (ubuntu:rolling
Every Smart Home in general and every Z-Wave Network in particular is controlled by a central controller and regardless whether this is a large PC or a small router box, there is a software that implements the communication and control function.'s flagship software to control Z-Wave networks is called Z-Way. Z-Way was the very first Z-Wave control software certified by the Z-Wave Alliance back in March 2011.
If you own a ZME UZB1 Stick, you can load it on the Z-Way server using device mapping:
❯ docker run --rm -it -p 8083:8083 --device=/dev/ttyACM0 ruimarinho/z-way
By loading your UZB1 Stick, you will be able to update its bootloader and firmware versions.
This image contains the server binary from the Z-Way software and by default runs the z-way-server
❯ docker run --rm -it -p 8083:8083 ruimarinho/z-way
Now go to to open the UI.
This image is officially supported on Docker version 1.12, with support for older versions provided on a best-effort basis.
License information for the ruimarinho/docker-z-way docker project.
docker pull ruimarinho/z-way