white magic spell which displays information about a process from /proc libra will look up information on a single process based on name. If more then one process share the same name, libra will return an error
inputs into libra are environment variables
command to search on.
example: if ps
36916 ttys000 0:00.08 bash
39588 ttys001 0:00.05 node
if you want to get information on node
set LOOKUP_CMD=node
any additional arguments on the command to also search for
example: if ps
36916 ttys000 0:00.08 node -a
39588 ttys001 0:00.05 node -d
if you want to get information on node -a
set LOOKUP_CMD=node
docker run -it --pid=host --privileged --rm -e LOOKUP_CMD='/docker' -e LOOKUP_ARGS='-d' runnable/libra
{"info":{"FDSize":2048,"VmPeak":"33373208 kB","VmSize":"33373208 kB","VmHWM":"503816 kB","VmRSS":"375808 kB","VmData":"33359456 kB","VmStk":"136 kB","VmExe":"13444 kB","VmPTE":"9756 kB","Threads":1980,"voluntary_ctxt_switches":444,"nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches":623,"rchar":229278009179,"wchar":164334551263,"syscr":176566383,"syscw":48958240,"read_bytes":268124160,"write_bytes":74151432192,"cancelled_write_bytes":38762946560}}
{"error":"unable to get process"}
this container must be run with --pid=host
if you want to inspect processes on the host
if process is privileged you will also need --privileged
docker pull runnable/libra