This is a simple docker container that just runs exits successfully.
I use it with my docker-compose.override.yml files to not waste a bunch of resources when using a shared service during development.
For example, say I have the following docker-compose.yml file:
image: redis:2.8
build: .
- redis:redis
When I'm running this locally, I typically have a separate redis running that's being used by multiple other apps. So I'll add a docker-compose.override.yml like the following
image: rwgrim/docker-noop
links: []
- redis:redis
What this does is remove all the existing links and then uses external_links to link to my already running redis container. However, since there is no way to disable a service with docker-compose, we override the redis in the docker-compose.yml to use the noop container which is tiny and exits immediately instead of sitting around wasting resources which can't be used by anything else.
docker pull rwgrim/docker-noop