
By ryakel

Updated 3 months ago

A Sonarr companion script to allow the automatic downloading of web series using yt-dlp.

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Stream Harvestarr by @ryakel

Docker BuildDocker PullsDocker StarsLicense: GPL v3Docker Hub

⚠️ NOTE: The image name and repo have changed to ryakel/stream-havestarr. ryakel/sonarr-yt-dlp has been deprecated as of version 1.2.17. Please update your image and update your config.yml. ⚠️

ryakel/stream-harvestarr is a Sonarr companion script to allow the automatic downloading of web series normally not available for Sonarr to search for. Using YT-DLP (a youtube-dl fork with added features) it allows you to download your webseries from the list of supported sites.


  • Downloading Web Series using online sources normally unavailable to Sonarr
  • Ability to specify the downloaded video format globally or per series
  • Downloads new episodes automatically once available
  • Imports directly to Sonarr and it can then update your plex as and example
  • Allows setting time offsets to handle prerelease series
  • Can pass cookies.txt to handle site logins

How do I use it

  1. Firstly you need a series that is available online in the supported sites that YouTube-DL can grab from.
  2. Secondly you need to add this to Sonarr and monitor the episodes that you want.
  3. Thirdly edit your config.yml accordingly so that this knows where your Sonarr is, which series you are after and where to grab it from.
  4. Lastly be aware that this requires the TVDB to match exactly what the episodes titles are in the scan, generally this is ok but as its an openly editable site sometime there can be differences.

Supported Architectures

The following Linux architectures supported by this image are:

armv7 (deprecated)
arm64 (deprecated)
≤ 0.3.30

⚠️ ARM builds have been deprecated as of v0.3.30.
No further development is expected on them going forward.⚠️

Version Tags

latestCurrent release code
devPre-release code for testing issues
v.X.Y.ZVersions matching GitHub Releases

Great how do I get started

Obviously its a docker image so you need docker, if you don't know what that is you need to look into that first.

docker create \
  --name=stream-harvestarr \
  -v /path/to/data:/config \
  -v /path/to/sonarrmedia:/sonarr_root \
  -v /path/to/logs:/logs \
  --restart unless-stopped \
version: '3.4'
    image: ryakel/stream-harvestarr
    container_name: stream-harvestarr
      - /path/to/data:/config
      - /path/to/sonarrmedia:/sonarr_root
      - /path/to/logs:/logs
      test: curl --fail https://youtube.com || exit 1
      interval: 5s
      retries: 5
      start_period: 20s
      timeout: 10s
Docker volumes
-v /configStream Harvestarr configs
-v /sonarr_rootRoot library location from Sonarr container
-v /logslog location

Clarification on sonarr_root

A couple of people are not sure what is meant by the sonarr root. As this downloads directly to where you media is stored I mean the root folder where sonarr will place the files. So in sonarr you have your files moving to /mnt/sda1/media/tv/Smarter Every Day/ as an example, in sonarr you will see that it saves this series to /tv/Smarter Every Day/ meaning the sonarr root is /mnt/sda1/media/ as this is the root folder sonarr is working from.

Configuration file

On first run the docker will create a template file in the config folder. Example config.yml.template

Copy the config.yml.template to a new file called config.yml and edit accordingly.

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Buy Me A Coffee

Credit to @whatdaybob for the original code.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ryakel/sonarr-yt-dlp