
By ryanj

Updated about 2 months ago

Gist-powered presentations with Reveal.js templating

Integration & Delivery
Web Servers
Developer Tools



Gist-reveal is a slideshow templating service that makes it possible to view and share reveal.js presentations using github's gist service as a datastore.

Try it out at: https://gist-reveal.it

Gist-powered reveal.js presentations

Store revealjs HTML or Markdown<section>s in a gist, then append your resulting gist id to any gist-reveal site url to view your slides:




Use bit.ly or another url shortener to make these long urls easier to share, and to make enagement rates easier to track.

Broadcast slide transitions

Presenters can visit /login to configure their browser as a presentation device:


WARNING: Only the gist owner is allowed to broadcast slide transitions to viewers. If needed, fork the slide deck and present using the new gist ID. See the web console output for additional details.

Visit /logout to exit presentation mode:

Gist-powered themes

Use the "?theme=" querystring parameter to access site themes. Available CSS themes include the default list of revealjs themes:

It is also possible to load a custom theme using another gist. For example:

Nicer presentation paths

Creating a bit.ly shortname for your longer gist-reveal/gist_id deck urls will also make your presentations available at an alternate presentation path:




Much nicer! Make sure to continue sending traffic to the shorter bit.ly/shortname url for metrics collection purposes.

Running gist-reveal

Run your own Gist-powered reveal.js slideshow service with gist-reveal

Application Config

The following environment variables can be used to configure gist-reveal:

Variable NameContentsDefault Value
DEFAULT_GISTThe default gist id content for the siteaf84d40e58c5c2a908dd
REVEAL_THEMEThe site's default theme. Can be a locally bundled theme name, or a remote gist_id450836bbaebcf4c4ae08b331343a7886
GH_API_TOKENGitHub API tokenunset
CLIENT_IDGitHub OAuth Client ID. Required for Websocket connectionsunset
CLIENT_SECRETGitHub OAuth Client Secret. Required for Websocket connectionsunset
PRIVATE_KEYTLS private key provided as Env var or file: private.keyunset
PUBLIC_CRTPublic TLS certificate as Env var or as file: public.crtunset
PORTthe server port8080
GA_TRACKERGoogle Analytics tracker tokenunset
GIST_THEMESAllow reveal.js CSS themes to be installed dynamically via querystring "?theme=gist_id""true"
SANITIZE_INPUTSanitize gist input. Strip script tags and iframes"false"
GIST_PATHLoad slides from a local gist repo (Disable API and Websockets)unset
GIST_FILENAMELoad slides from a local gist repo (Disable API and Websockets)unset

To enable websocket connections, provide an OAuthCLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET with a redirect url configured to: YOUR_SITE/github/callback

Local Development

Install dependencies:

npm install

Start the app:

npm start

Optionally generate a localhost certificate for testing https+wss connections:

openssl req -x509 -out public.crt -keyout private.key \
  -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 \
  -subj '/CN=localhost' -extensions EXT -config <( \
   printf "[dn]\nCN=localhost\n[req]\ndistinguished_name = dn\n[EXT]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:localhost\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth")

Local Dev with Local Slides

Prefer to develop slides using your own editor? Or, plan to make a lot of changes to your presentation sources? Try loading a local clone of your gist repo!

  1. Make a local clone of your gist repo in another folder:
git clone git@gist.github.com:af84d40e58c5c2a908dd ../example-slides
  1. Use the GIST_PATH and GIST_FILENAME parameters to load local slides:
GIST_PATH=../example-slides GIST_FILENAME=gist-reveal.it-slides.html npm start

When you are done editing, add and commit your changes then git push to deploy.


Run the container image locally on port 8080 using podman or docker:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 ryanj/gist-reveal

Environment variables can be passed into the container to configure the default theme, or to change the default slideshow content:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -e "DEFAULT_GIST=YOUR_DEFAULT_GIST_ID" ryanj/gist-reveal

Create a kubernetes pod and service, both named gist-reveal:

kubectl run gist-reveal --image=ryanj/gist-reveal --expose --port=8080 \


gist-reveal was created at the first DockerCon Hackathon by @ryanj and @fkautz.

Reveal.js is MIT licensed Copyright (C) 2014 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se

Docker Pull Command

docker pull ryanj/gist-reveal