To deploy a clone of this application using the rhc
command line tool:
rhc app create sketchpod nodejs-0.10 --from-code=https://github.com/ryanj/sketchpod.git
Or link to a web-based clone+deploy on OpenShift Online or on your own OpenShift cloud:
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start a local server, passing in config via the environment:
CUID=007 USERNAME=foo SUBMISSION="openshift for the win!" npm start
Next, load the index page to check the initial content. Then run upload an image by running the post_image.manual.js
script in another terminal:
OPENSHIFT_SERVER="http://localhost:8080" CUID="007" SUBMISSION="yes!" USERNAME="joe" node post_image.manual.js
Reload the index page to verify that the sketchpod has received it's content submission.
To run the related docker image:
docker pull ryanj/sketchpod
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e "HOSTNAME=localhost" -e "CUID=007" -e "USERNAME=user007" -e "SUBMISSION=openshift for the win!" ryanj/sketchpod
First, choose an application name for this service and update the template to replace all instances of APP_NAME
sed -i -e 's/APPNAME/sketchpod/g' app_template.json
Then, launch the service using the osc
command-line tool:
osc create -f app_template.json
This code is dedicated to the public domain to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, pursuant to CC0 (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)
docker pull ryanj/sketchpod