
By scisoftware

Updated 4 months ago

Implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Databases & Storage



OpenLDAP Software is an Open Source suite of directory software developed by the Internet community, is a implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). You can read about that product on page

About project

The image definition basing on the official image of Ubuntu on DockerHub: Ubuntu.

Predefined Schemas

During the first start of the service, the database is initialized with the supported schemas. The following objectClass definitions are characteristic of this LDAP database:

  • cszuAttrs - additional attributes used in authentication and authorization mechanisms for groups and users; schema based on "Central System 'Z' of management Users (CSZU)" standard.
Object class `cszuAttrs` is deprecated, please use `cszuPrivs`. The name of `cszuPrivs` is more readable.
  • cszuPrivs - additional attributes used in authentication and authorization mechanisms for groups and users; schema based on "Central System 'Z' of management Users (CSZU)" standard.
  • cszuUser - additional attributes used in authentication and authorization mechanisms for users; schema based on "Central System 'Z' of management Users (CSZU)" standard.
  • cszuGroup - additional attributes used in authentication and authorization mechanisms for groups; schema based on "Central System 'Z' of management Users (CSZU)" standard.
  • aDPerson - additional attributes allowing the simulation of mechanisms characteristic for MS Active Directory (AD)

Schema cszu

The schema with definitions of cszuAttrs, cszuPrivs, cszuUser and cszuGroup object classes:

# Author's scheme supporting the Central User Management System 
# (Centralny System Zarządzania Użytkownikami - CSZU)
# The schema supports data synchronization between OpenLDAP and IBM BPM. 
# Additionally, it contains the attribute 'allowSystem', which is used 
# as an additional filter in integration with sssd (Unix)
# Value's format in 'allowSystem' attribute is:
# 	<host_name>;<service_name>;<expiration_date_in_format_YYYYMMDDHH24mm>;<task_ID>
# Where:
#  - host_name: name of host
#  - service_name - name of service
#  - expiration_date_in_format_YYYYMMDDHH24mm - date of expiration of privilege 
#  - task_ID - task identifier in the service system
# Samples:
# Sample of using the 'allowSystem' attribute as additional user's filter (sssd configuration):
# LDAP_ACCESS_FILTER=(&(objectclass=shadowaccount)(objectclass=posixaccount)(;shell;*))
#	Created by: Sławomir Cichy (
#   Copyright 2014-2024 SciSoftwere Sławomir Cichy Inc.
dn: cn=cszu,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: cszu
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'primaryGroup' SUP distinguishedName )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'primaryGroupName' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'department' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'departmentCode' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'isChief' EQUALITY booleanMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'isActive' EQUALITY booleanMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'hrNumber' DESC 'RFC2307: An integer uniquely identifying ih HR System' EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'allowSystem' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX '')
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'entryDistinguishedName' SUP distinguishedName )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'managerGroup' SUP distinguishedName )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'managerGroupName' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'cszuAttrs' DESC 'Attributes used by CSZU' AUXILIARY MUST ( allowSystem $ entryDistinguishedName ))
olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'cszuPrivs' DESC 'Granted access to systems' AUXILIARY MUST ( allowSystem $ entryDistinguishedName ))
olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'cszuUser' DESC 'Attributes used by CSZU for user entries' SUP cszuAttrs AUXILIARY MUST ( primaryGroup ) MAY ( primaryGroupName $ department $ departmentCode $ isChief $ isActive $ hrNumber $ allowSystem $ entryDistinguishedName) )
olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'cszuGroup' DESC 'Attributes used by CSZU for group entries' SUP cszuAttrs AUXILIARY MUST ( cn $ managerGroup ) MAY ( mail $ name $ displayName $ description $ manager $ member $ memberOf))

ObjectClass adperson

The schema with definitions of aDPerson objectClass:

# Substitute for MS Active Directory schema
# created by: Sławomir Cichy (
dn: cn=adperson,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: adperson
olcAttributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.221 NAME 'sAMAccountName' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.656 NAME 'userPrincipalName' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.657 NAME 'msExchUserCulture' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.700 NAME 'MPK1Name' DESC 'Name of the first cost center - MPK (Cost Center)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch  SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.701 NAME 'MPK1Code' DESC 'Code of the first cost center - MPK (Cost Center)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch  SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.702 NAME 'MPK2Name' DESC 'Name of the second cost center - MPK (Cost Center)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch  SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.703 NAME 'MPK2Code' DESC 'Code of the second cost center - MPK (Cost Center)' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch  SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'memberOf' SUP distinguishedName )
olcObjectClasses: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.220 NAME 'aDPerson' DESC 'MS Active Directory Person Entry' SUP inetOrgPerson  STRUCTURAL MUST ( uid $ sAMAccountName ) MAY ( userPrincipalName $ msExchUserCulture $ MPK1Code $ MPK1Name $ MPK2Code $ MPK2Name $ userPassword ) )
olcObjectClasses: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.803 NAME 'groupOfMembers' DESC 'MS Active Directory group entry' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn ) MAY ( cn $ mail $ name $ displayName $ description $ manager $ member $ memberOf $ sAMAccountName ) X-ORIGIN 'AD Group' )
olcObjectClasses: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.804 NAME 'team' DESC 'MS Active Directory group entry with required common name and display name' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ displayName ) MAY ( mail $ name $ description $ manager $ member $ memberOf $ sAMAccountName ) X-ORIGIN 'AD Group' )

Predefined entries

During the first start of the service, the database is initialized with predefined entries:

  • Four organization units (OU):
    • ou=Groups,${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX} for user groups entries
    • ou=People,${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX} for users entries
    • ou=Technical,${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX} for technical users entries; user entries from the OU has read privileges to all entries; you can use them in connection definition for external systems
    • ou=Admins,${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX} for administrators entries; user entries from the OU has write privileges to all entries
  • Predefined group entries:
    • cn=mrc-admin,ou=Groups,${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX} - group with administrator privileges to IBPM Mercury (HgDB) system
    • cn=mrc-user,ou=Groups,${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX} - group with user privileges to IBPM Mercury (HgDB) system
  • Predefined user entries:
    • ${LDAP_ROOT_DN} - LDAP manager, user entry has all privileges to all entries; password for the user is should be define in LDAP_ROOT_PASSWD environment variable (default value: "secret") and should be changed on production environments.
    • cn=Administrator,ou=Admins,${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX} - administrator, user entry has write privileges to all entries; password for the user is should be define in LDAP_TECHNICAL_USER_PASSWD environment variable (default value: "secret") and should be changed on production environments
    • uid=ldapui,ou=Admins,${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX} - administrator, user entry has write privileges to all entries; password for the user is should be define in LDAP_TECHNICAL_USER_PASSWD environment variable (default value: "secret") and should be changed on production environments. The entry can be use for integration with LDAP UI. Recomended UI is ldap-ui Sample compose with the UI is in project
    • cn=${LDAP_TECHNICAL_USER_CN},ou=Technical,${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX}, default value of LDAP_TECHNICAL_USER_CN is "FrontendAccount", user entry has read privileges to all entries; password for the user is should be define in LDAP_TECHNICAL_USER_PASSWD environment variable (default value: "secret") and should be changed on production environments.
    • uid=mrcmanager,ou=People,${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX} - sample user with administrator privileges to IBPM Mercury (HgDB) system; password for the user is should be define in LDAP_TECHNICAL_USER_PASSWD environment variable (default value: "secret") and should be changed on production environments.
    • uid=mrcuser,ou=People,${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX} - sample user with user privileges to IBPM Mercury (HgDB) system; password for the user is should be define in LDAP_TECHNICAL_USER_PASSWD environment variable (default value: "secret") and should be changed on production environments.

Sample of predefined tree:

Sample of predefined tree

Run image

Required environment variables:

LDAP_ORG_DCacronym of organization name e.g. "scisoftware"
LDAP_OLC_SUFFIXmain root DN (Distinguished Name); in DN should be used value of LDAP_ORG_DC variable as DC attribute by pattern: dc=${LDAP_ORG_DC},dc=example,dc=com; e.g. "dc=scisoftware,dc=pl"
LDAP_ROOT_CNadmin user CN (Common Name) attribute e.g. "manager"
LDAP_ROOT_DNadmin user DN (Distinguished Name) attribute; in DN should be used values of LDAP_ROOT_CN variable as CN attribute and LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX by pattern: cn=${LDAP_ROOT_CN},${LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX}; e.g. "cn=manager,dc=scisoftware,dc=pl"
LDAP_ROOT_PASSWDadmin user password
LDAP_TECHNICAL_USER_CN(optional) technical user name, with read privileges to all entries, default value: "FrontendAccount"
LDAP_TECHNICAL_USER_PASSWD(optional) technical user password, default value: "secret"
LDAP_OLC_ACCESS(optional) Additional access definition for LDAP. Default value is "by anonymous auth by * read"
SERVER_DEBUGOpenLDAP server debug mode, default value: 32

Required volumes:

/var/lib/openldapdatabase' files directory
/etc/openldap/slapd.ddatabase' configuration files directory

For running the container based on the image you can use docker command:

  • Linux
docker run --name openldap -p 389:389 -p 636:636 \
 --env LDAP_ORG_DC="scisoftware" \
 --env LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX=dc=scisoftware,dc=pl \
 --env LDAP_ROOT_CN=manager \
 --env LDAP_ROOT_DN=cn=manager,dc=scisoftware,dc=pl \
 --env LDAP_ROOT_PASSWD=secret \
 --env LDAP_OLC_ACCESS="by anonymous auth by * read" \
 --env SERVER_DEBUG=32 \
 --volume slapd_database:/var/lib/ldap \
 --volume slapd_config:/etc/ldap/slapd.d \
 --detach scisoftware/openldap:latest
  • Linux - docker compose
docker compose --env-file ldap-conf.env up
  • Windows, PowerShell
docker run --name openldap -p 389:389 -p 636:636 `
 --env LDAP_ORG_DC="scisoftware" `
 --env LDAP_OLC_SUFFIX=dc=scisoftware,dc=pl `
 --env LDAP_ROOT_CN=manager `
 --env LDAP_ROOT_DN=cn=manager,dc=scisoftware,dc=pl `
 --env LDAP_ROOT_PASSWD=secret `
 --env LDAP_OLC_ACCESS="by anonymous auth by * read" `
 --env SERVER_DEBUG=32 `
 --volume slapd_database:/var/lib/ldap `
 --volume slapd_config:/etc/ldap/slapd.d `
 --detach scisoftware/openldap:latest

Image source

For building the image you can use sources in slawascichy' GitHub project: docker-openldap.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull scisoftware/openldap