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By Wildlife Conservation Society

Updated over 2 years ago

Earth Engine task image for calculating species

Data Science
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Machine Learning & AI


Species Conservation Landscapes areal statistics calculation task

Task for calculating zonal statistics for each of the types assigned to species habitat by the scl_classification task by country, protected status, biome, and Key Biodiversity Area (KBA). Output intersected polygons with statistics are exported to GeoJSON files in Google Storage, for ingestion by the SCL API.


All parameters may be specified in the environment as well as the command line.

/app # python --help
usage: [-h] [-d TASKDATE] [-s SPECIES] [--scenario SCENARIO] [--overwrite]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d TASKDATE, --taskdate TASKDATE
  -s SPECIES, --species SPECIES
  --scenario SCENARIO
  --overwrite           overwrite existing outputs instead of incrementing

Copyright (C) 2022 Wildlife Conservation Society The files in this repository are part of the task framework for calculating Human Impact Index and Species Conservation Landscapes ( and are released under the GPL license: See LICENSE for details.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull scl3/task_scl_stats