
By scolandrea

Updated 8 months ago

Image that allows handling the Magento Cloud CLI without having PHP installed locally

Developer Tools



Welcome to the docker-magento-cloud-cli Docker image repository! This image is designed to provide a robust and flexible environment for developers who need a pre-configured bash shell with essential tools and directory structure checks. It is particularly useful for applications that rely on specific directory mounts and require initialization scripts to ensure all dependencies are properly set up before starting the interactive shell.

Key Features
  • Multi-Architecture Support: This image supports multiple architectures, including amd64 and arm64, making it versatile and suitable for a wide range of hardware platforms.
  • Automatic Initialization: If certain directories or files are missing, predefined commands will be executed to set up the necessary components, such as downloading and installing tools or performing authentication steps.
How to Use
  1. Pull the Image

    Pull the image from Docker Hub using the following command:

    docker pull scolandrea/docker-magento-cloud-cli:latest
  2. Run the Container

    Run the container with the required volume mounts to ensure all necessary directories are available:

    docker run -it -v /path/to/.ssh:/home/app/.ssh -v /path/to/.magento-cloud:/home/app/.magento-cloud scolandrea/docker-magento-cloud-cli:latest

Docker Pull Command

docker pull scolandrea/docker-magento-cloud-cli