cassandra-stress is a tool for benchmarking and load testing a Scylla and Cassandra clusters.
The cassandra-stress
tool is used for benchmarking and load testing both
ScyllaDB and Cassandra clusters. The cassandra-stress tool also supports
testing arbitrary CQL tables and queries to allow users to benchmark
their data model.
This documentation focuses on user mode as this allows the testing of your actual schema.
The latest version of cassandra-stress
at the time of
writing this document is 3.17.0. Please check the latest version on
the GitHub releases
There are multiple ways to install [cassandra-stress]{.title-ref} provided by ScyllaDB. Choose the method that best suits your environment.
The recommended and official way to use [cassandra-stress]{.title-ref} is through the Docker image provided by ScyllaDB. This ensures a consistent and ready-to-use environment.
You can pull the latest Docker image from Docker Hub:
docker pull scylladb/cassandra-stress:latest
The latest tag is always paired with the version tag on GitHub, such as 3.17.0. To check all available tags, visit:
Docker Hub Cassandra-Stress Tags
Once downloaded, you can run [cassandra-stress]{.title-ref} directly:
docker run --rm scylladb/cassandra-stress <commands>
If you need to use a specific version, replace [latest]{.title-ref} with the desired version tag:
docker pull scylladb/cassandra-stress:3.17.0
docker run --rm scylladb/cassandra-stress:3.17.0 <commands>
Performance Penatly
When running in a Docker container, you might experience a performance penalty due to the containerization overhead. To mitigate this, you can use the --network=host
option to run the container in the host network namespace. This option allows the container to share the host's network stack, which can improve performance.
--security-opt seccomp=unconfined
allow unrestricted system calls inside the container maily ioctl
, iopl
and clone
docker run --rm --network=host --security-opt seccomp=unconfined scylladb/cassandra-stress <commands>
You can download the prebuilt binaries directly from our GitHub releases.
Prerequisite: Ensure that Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 11 or newer is installed on your system.
Using `curl`:
curl -LO
curl -LO
Using `wget`:
Verify the download using `sha256sum`:
sha256sum -c cassandra-stress-3.17.0-bin.tar.gz.sha256
If the verification is successful, you will see:
cassandra-stress-3.17.0-bin.tar.gz: OK
To build [cassandra-stress]{.title-ref} from source, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed: - Java JDK: Version 11 or newer - Apache Ant: Build tool
Follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone --depth=1
Checkout the specific version (3.17.0):
cd cassandra-stress
git checkout tags/3.17.0
Build the binaries using Apache Ant:
ant -Drelease=true artifacts
The compiled binaries will be located in the [build]{.title-ref} directory.
If you prefer a Dockerized build, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone --depth=1
Build the Docker image:
cd cassandra-stress
docker build -t cassandra-stress --compress .
To build with custom driver jar, put jar into root repo directory and run build command:
docker build -t cassandra-stress --build-args<jar-file-name>.jar --compress .
Once built, you can run the image locally using:
docker run --rm cassandra-stress <commands>
tools/bin/cassandra-stress write n=1000000 -node # 1M inserts to given host
tools/bin/cassandra-stress read n=10000000 -node -o read # 1M reads
tools/bin/cassandra-stress write -node, n=10000000 # 10M inserts spread across two nodes
tools/bin/cassandra-stress help -pop # Print help for population distribution option
Or run it in a container, please don't miss the quotes around the command line:
docker run scylladb/cassandra-stress 'cassandra-stress write n=100000 -node'
Or use the container interactively:
docker run --rm -d --name c-s -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash -i scylladb/cassandra-stress:latest
docker exec -it c-s /bin/bash
There are several operation types:
: Population distribution and intra-partition visit order-insert
: Insert specific options relating to various methods for batching and splitting partition updates-col
: Column details such as size and count distribution, data generator, names, comparator and if super columns should be used-rate
: Thread count, rate limit or automatic mode (default is auto)-mode
: Thrift or CQL with options-errors
: How to handle errors when encountered during stress-sample
: Specify the number of samples to collect for measuring latency-schema
: Replication settings, compression, compaction, etc.-node
: Nodes to connect to-log
: Where to log progress to, and the interval at which to do it-transport
: Custom transport factories-port
: The port to connect to cassandra nodes on-sendto
: Specify a stress server to send this command to-graph
: Graph recorded metrics-tokenrange
: Token range settingsUser mode allows you to use your stress your own schemas. This can save time in the long run rather than building an application and then realising your schema doesn't scale.
User mode requires a profile defined in YAML. Multiple YAML files may be specified in which case operations in the ops argument are referenced as specname.opname.
An identifier for the profile:
specname: staff_activities
The keyspace for the test:
keyspace: staff
CQL for the keyspace. Optional if the keyspace already exists:
keyspace_definition: |
CREATE KEYSPACE stresscql WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3};
The table to be stressed:
table: staff_activities
CQL for the table. Optional if the table already exists:
table_definition: |
CREATE TABLE staff_activities (
name text,
when timeuuid,
what text,
PRIMARY KEY(name, when, what)
Optional meta information on the generated columns in the above table. The min and max only apply to text and blob types. The distribution field represents the total unique population distribution of that column across rows:
- name: name
size: uniform(5..10) # The names of the staff members are between 5-10 characters
population: uniform(1..10) # 10 possible staff members to pick from
- name: when
cluster: uniform(20..500) # Staff members do between 20 and 500 events
- name: what
size: normal(10..100,50)
Supported types are:
An exponential distribution over the range [min..max]:
An extreme value (Weibull) distribution over the range [min..max]:
A gaussian/normal distribution, where mean=(min+max)/2, and stdev is (mean-min)/stdvrng:
A gaussian/normal distribution, with explicitly defined mean and stdev:
A uniform distribution over the range [min, max]:
A fixed distribution, always returning the same value:
If preceded by ~, the distribution is inverted
Defaults for all columns are size: uniform(4..8), population: uniform(1..100B), cluster: fixed(1)
Insert distributions:
# How many partition to insert per batch
partitions: fixed(1)
# How many rows to update per partition
select: fixed(1)/500
# UNLOGGED or LOGGED batch for insert
batchtype: UNLOGGED
Currently all inserts are done inside batches.
Read statements to use during the test:
cql: select * from staff_activities where name = ?
fields: samerow
cql: select * from staff_activities where name = ? LIMIT 1
fields: samerow
Running a user mode test:
cassandra-stress user profile=./example.yaml duration=1m "ops(insert=1,latest_event=1,events=1)" truncate=once
This will create the schema then run tests for 1 minute with an equal number of inserts, latest_event queries and events queries. Additionally the table will be truncated once before the test.
The full example can be found here yaml
Running a user mode test with multiple yaml files:
cassandra-stress user profile=./example.yaml,./example2.yaml duration=1m “ops(ex1.insert=1,ex1.latest_event=1,ex2.insert=2)” truncate=once
This will run operations as specified in both the example.yaml and example2.yaml files. example.yaml and example2.yaml can reference the same table although care must be taken that the table definition is identical (data generation specs can be different).
Graphs can be generated for each run of stress.
To create a new graph:
cassandra-stress user profile=./stress-example.yaml "ops(insert=1,latest_event=1,events=1)" -graph file=graph.html title="Awesome graph"
To add a new run to an existing graph point to an existing file and add a revision name:
cassandra-stress user profile=./stress-example.yaml duration=1m "ops(insert=1,latest_event=1,events=1)" -graph file=graph.html title="Awesome graph" revision="Second run"
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docker pull scylladb/cassandra-stress