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Updated about 1 month ago

Federated Query Engine over RDF Sources

Data Science
Databases & Storage
Integration & Delivery


Test StatusLatest ReleaseDocker ImageDOILicense: GPL v3

Python VersionsPackage FormatPackage StatusPackage Version


DeTrusty is a federated query engine. At this stage, only SPARQL endpoints are supported. DeTrusty differs from other query engines through its focus on the explainability and trustworthiness of the query result.

NOTE: DeTrusty is under active development! The current version is a federated query engine following the SPARQL 1.1 protocol, i.e., you can use the SERVICE clause to specify the endpoints manually. However, some features of SPARQL 1.1 and the parts about the explainability and trustworthiness have not been implemented yet.

Currently, DeTrusty only supports SELECT queries. The following SPARQL 1.1 operations are not supported (yet). This list might not be exhaustive. Please, let us know if we missed something.

  • Conditional functions, e.g., IF, BOUND, COALESCE
  • HAVING clause
  • Complex expressions
  • Built-in functions, e.g., isIRI, STRLEN, abs, floor, now, month, MD5
  • Specifying RDF datasets using FROM, FROM NAMED, or GRAPH

If you want to know more, check out the documentation.

Running DeTrusty

You can use DeTrusty as a Python3 library or a Web-based service using Docker. The documentation includes detailed examples and explanations for both scenarios.


DeTrusty is licensed under GPL-3.0.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull sdmtib/detrusty