
By seanox

Updated 2 months ago

XML and XPath based volatile NoSQL stateless micro data exchange for (web-)applications and IoT

Databases & Storage
Internet of Things
Message Queues


Quick reference

Maintained by:
Seanox Software Solutions

Where to get help:
Seanox Software Solutions

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

Note: The following only lists the current main tags with reference to the implementation and the corresponding Dockerfiles. For specific version tags, see the Dockerfile in the corresponding branches,

Quick reference (cont.)

Where to file issues (depending on the project):

Where to find getting started (depending on the project):

Where to find the manual (depending on the project):

Where to find the sources (depending on the project):

What is XMEX?

The origin of the project is the desire for an easily accessible place for data exchange on the Internet. Inspired by JSON-Storages the idea of a feature-rich equivalent based on XML, XPath and XSLT was born. The focus should be on a public, volatile and short-term data exchange for (static) web-applications and IoT.

Just exchange data without an own server landscape.
Just exchange data without knowing and managing all clients.

XML-Micro-Exchange is a volatile NoSQL stateless micro datasource for the Internet. It is designed for easy communication and data exchange of web-applications and for IoT or for other Internet-based modules and components. The XML based datasource is volatile and lives through continuous use and expires through inactivity. They are designed for active and near real-time data exchange but not as a real-time capable long-term storage. Compared to a JSON storage, this datasource supports more dynamics, partial data access, data transformation, and volatile short-term storage.

Why all this?

  • Static web-applications on different clients want to communicate with each other, e.g. for games, chats and collaboration.
  • Smart sensors want to share their data and smart devices want to access this data and also exchange data with each other.
  • Clients can establish dynamically volatile networks.

In this communication are all participants.
No one is a server or master, all are equal and no one has to know the other.
All meet without obligation.

How to use this image

Note: This quick guide always refers to the latest version, which includes the version with the latest major and minor.

docker run -d -p 80:80/tcp --rm --name xmex seanox/xmex:latest

The Docker image is configured using the following environment variables, which are passed as additional environment variables (-e / --env) when the Docker image is started.

Activates optimizations for use as a container.
Supported values: on, true, 1.
Default: on (off in the on-premise installation)

Activates optimizations for debugging and testing.
Supported values: on, true, 1.
Default: off

Maximum time of inactivity of the storage files in seconds. Without file access during this time, the storage files are deleted.
Default: 900 (15 min, 15 x 60 sec)

Directory of the data storage, which is configured with the required permissions by the script at runtime.
Default: ./data

Maximum number of files in data storage. Exceeding the limit causes the status 507 - Insufficient Storage.
Default: 65535

Defines the revision type. Supported values: serial (starting with 1), timestamp (alphanumeric).
Default: timestamp

Maximum data size of files in data storage in bytes. The value also limits the size of the requests(-body).
Default: 262144 (256 kB, 256 x 1024 kB)

Character or character sequence of the XPath delimiter in the URI. Changing this value often also requires changes to the web server configuration.
Default: !



View license information for the software contained in this image.

As with all Docker images, these likely also contain other software which may be under other licenses (such as Bash, etc from the base distribution, along with any direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).

As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull seanox/xmex