CiviCRM buildkit
Docker container for CiviCRM buildkit that can be run as an arbitrary (non-root) user. Based on michaelmcandrew/civicrm-buildkit-docker, but focused more on hosting than development purposes.
Available also in Docker Hub: secoresearch/civicrm.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Runs also a MySQL database container.
Create a new CiviCRM installation (see civibuild documentation):
docker-compose exec -u buildkit civicrm civibuild create [BUILD_NAME] [PARAMETERS]
Fix the file permissions so that the container can be run as non-root user (however these creation steps need sudo privileges in the civirm
docker-compose exec -u buildkit civicrm bash -c "sudo chgrp -R 0 /buildkit && sudo chmod -R g=u /buildkit"
docker pull secoresearch/civicrm