
By sematext

Updated 16 days ago

Sematext Agent for monitoring performance of servers, containers, databases, network, logs, etc.



Sematext Agent

Sematext Agent collects a plethora of metrics about hosts (CPU, memory, disk, network, processes), containers (both Docker and rkt) and orchestrator platforms and ships that to Sematext Cloud. To gain deep insight into the Linux kernel, Sematext Agent relies on eBPF to implant instrumentation points (attach eBPF programs to kprobes) on kernel functions. This allows for a very efficient and powerful system exploration approach. It has auto-discovery capabilities of services deployed on physical/virtual hosts and containers, as well as a mechanism for reporting inventory info. It also collects events from different sources such as OOM notifications, container or Kuberentes events.


  • Provides full visibility over the basic operating system metrics on your hosts. For example, you can easily spot CPU spikes and correlate them with other metric sources.
  • Agnostic and unified container monitoring to gain deep visibility into your containerized deployments and orchestration platforms.
  • Discovers your network topology with the eBPF-driven ultra efficient observability tracers.
  • Collects a myriad of events such as Docker/Kubernetes life cycle events, package install/uninstall, OOMK or signal notifications among others.
  • Inventory tracking of your whole infrastructure including packages, server details, container metadata and more.
  • Process monitoring that helps out identifying top CPU or memory consumers.
  • Service discovery and automated monitoring for vanilla Docker and Kubernetes workloads.


To run Sematext Docker Agent you will need a Monitoring App Token and a Logs App Token. If you don't have Monitoring and/or Logs Apps yet, you can create a Docker Monitoring and Logs Apps now.


Sematext UI shows the deployment instructions. Please refer to Docker and Kubernetes installation in the Sematext Agent documentation.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull sematext/agent