
By shahradel

Updated about 2 months ago

Tor Proxy + DNS Resolver



Docker TorProxy

A stable version of Tor for with tools for creating a proxy server.


  • Support for diversity of proxy servers (Socks5, HTTP, Shadowsocks and more)
  • Preinstalled the popular Lyrebird, Meek, and Snowflake pluggable transports
  • Default use of Tor DNS resolver
  • Multi-platform image

Build locally

Build time can time up to 10 minutes, depending on your system.

git clone
cd docker-torproxy

# Build image and output to docker (default)
docker buildx bake

# Build multi-platform image
docker buildx bake image-all


Docker Hubshahradel/torproxy
GitHub Container

Following platforms for this image are available:

$ docker run --rm mplatform/mquery shahradel/torproxy:latest
Image: shahradel/torproxy:latest
 * Manifest List: Yes
 * Supported platforms:
   - linux/amd64
   - linux/arm/v6
   - linux/arm/v7
   - linux/arm64
   - linux/386
   - linux/s390x


This section depend on your configuration but for the most part, the default ports are:

  • 53: Tor DNS
  • 1080: Socks5 proxy
  • 8080: HTTP proxy

Environment variables

To configure the Tor config file you can mount the configs to /etc/tor/torrc.d directory or prefix the environment variables with TOR_. For example, if you can set SocksPort option you have to add TOR_SOCKS_PORT=1080 to the environment variables.

TOR_CONTROL_PASSWDAutomatically will be hashed and used as password of control port.
TOR_*For configuring the Tor config file.

💡 For more information about Tor config file see Offical Tor Manual.


Docker Compose

Docker compose is the recommended way to run this image. You can use the following docker compose template, then run the container:

docker compose up -d
docker compose logs -f
Command line

By default, the image is started with two password-less socks5 and http proxies and image can be run by a minimal command:

$ docker run -d --name torproxy \
  -p 1080:1080 -p 8080:8080 \

To configure the proxy servers you can add flags to the command:

$ docker run -d --name torproxy \
  -p 1080:1080 -p 8080:8080 -p 8338:8338 \
  shahradel/torproxy \
  -L "http://:8080" \
  -L "socks5://<username>:<password>@:1080" \
  -L "ss://AES-256-CFB:<username>:<password>@:8338"
# Socks5
curl -x socks5://localhost:1080

curl -x http://localhost:8080


Recreate the container whenever I push an update:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

Tor Control Port

By default, the control port is not exposed and for security reasons, it can be enabled by setting the TOR_CONTROL_PORT and TOR_HASHED_CONTROL_PASSWORD environment variables.

$ docker run -d --name torproxy \
  -p 9060:9060 \
  -e TOR_CONTROL_PORT=9060 \
  -e TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD="super-secure-password" \

Now tor control port is available on port 9060 and you can use tools such as nyx to monitor the tor instance.

$ docker exec -it torproxy nyx -i 9060


Want to contribute? Awesome! To show your support is to star the project, or to raise issues on GitHub.

Thanks again for your support, it is much appreciated! 🙏


GPL-3.0 © Shahrad Elahi

Docker Pull Command

docker pull shahradel/torproxy