
By shellngn

Updated 7 months ago

Shellngn Pro

Monitoring & Observability
Developer Tools


Web Based SSH, SFTP, Telnet, RDP and VNC Client.

Shellngn Pro is a web application which works as secure gateway to your servers.

It allows you to manage your servers anywhere you are, with a professional and feature-rich terminal and remote desktop client.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. How it works
  3. Docker
  4. Recommended NGINX Config


  • Tabbed sessions - Manage multiple sessions from one window with a tabbed interface.
  • Connect with a single click - You no longer need to remember IP addresses, login details and credentials.
  • Automate commands - Automate your SSH sessions with customized snippets.
  • Upload and download files securely from your SFTP server with an easy file management and file editor.
  • Remote Desktop - Take control of your remote servers using the RDP (Remote Desktop/Terminal Server) or VNC.
  • Mobile Support - Full keyboard, command snippets, sftp browser and file editor. All these awesome features are available on mobile.

How it works

More information

- Shellngn Website
- Blackvoid Review
- Shellngn with Nginx Proxy Manager


  1. docker run --name shellngn-pro \
    --mount source=shellngn-data,target=/home/node/server/data \
    -p 8080:8080 -e HOST= shellngn/pro:latest

  2. Visit http://localhost:8080/ to login the system

Environment variables reference:
  • PORT - (default:8080) - Sets the listening port for the web application.

  • HOST - (default: - Sets the host to listen on for the web application.

  • CORS - (default: *) - Cross-origin resource sharing origin.

  • BASE_URL - (default: /) - URL to be set in the base element.

  • TLS_CERT - (default: none) - Certificate file name located under "/home/node/server/data/tls"

  • TLS_KEY - (default: none) - Private key file name located under "/home/node/server/data/tls"

  • RESET_USER - (default: none) - Reset a user's password. (will not erase data) example: RESET_USER=admin:12345 will change the 'admin' user password to '12345'.

Running Shellngn Pro with Nginx Proxy Manager and Let's Encrypt for HTTPS

You can enable HTTPS with Nginx Proxy Manager and Let's Encrypt with these 6 easy steps. (Click Here)

Running Shellngn Pro with Self Signed SSL Certificate

  1. Create a local folder named 'tls'

  2. Copy your certificate (e.g localhost.crt) and private key file (e.g localhost.key) to the tls folder.

  3. Execute:

    docker run -it \
    --mount source=shellngn-data,target=/home/node/server/data \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -e HOST= \
    -v "$(pwd)"/tls:/home/node/server/data/tls \
    -e TLS_CERT=localhost.crt \
    -e TLS_KEY=localhost.key shellngn/pro:latest

Recommended NGINX Config

If you're using nginx in front of the docker image (or Node) then you'll need to proxy through Upgrade headers. Below is an example of a location block that does such:

location / {
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

Docker Pull Command

docker pull shellngn/pro