
By shevonkuan

Updated almost 4 years ago

轻量LNMP镜像适合微服务快速部署,debian10, nginx1.14, php7.3, MariaDB 10.3




基于debian的lnmp docker镜像 LNMP image base on debian Nginx 1.14 PHP 7.3 MariaDB 10.3

Quick Start

Download Image

   You can use docker pull to download the image to your machines. for amd64   

docker pull shevonkuan/lnmp:latest

   For amd64, armv8 and i386   

docker pull shevonkuan/lnmp:all_platform_v1.0

Start Container

docker run -dit \
  -p 80:80 \
  -p 443:443 \
  -p 3306:3306 \
  -v /var/www/html:/var/www/html \
  -privileged=true \
  --name=<your container name here>  \

   Please make sure that you know all the options listed above.

  • port 80 is used for nginx http.
  • port 443 is used for nginx https (you should volumn your certificate and set up the tls in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf)
  • port 3306 is used for mysql(MariaDB)

You can visit to check if your container start successful ly.

Attach the Shell

docker exec -it <name or id> /bin/bash

Check LNMP Status

You need to exec a shell then attach it to run the command here.

service nginx status
service php-fpm status
service mysql status

About the Config File

You can find Nginx config file at


Other Info

The password of the mysql is null.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull shevonkuan/lnmp