
By simonrupf

Updated 3 months ago

amavisd-new mail filtering, using spamassassin and razor, interfaces with clamd (separate)




A mail filtering container image, based on alpine, running the amavis daemon for use via TCP port in mail servers. It interfaces with spamassassin libraries, clamav daemon (in a seperate container) and the razor tool.

Note that unzip, unxz, gunzip and bunzip2 are provided via busybox. Spamassassin will prefer 7zr for zip files. Some older compressions like freeze, arj, lz4 and ace are not included as they are unlikely to be used for spam and viruses today and just increase the attack surface, as these tools aren't maintained anymore.

A MySQL connector is included, in case your mail server uses a MySQL/MariaDB database backend for local domain lookups.

Environment variables

  • POSTFIX_IP: postfix server to forward clean mail to, needs to listen on port 10025/tcp
  • TZ: timezone used for logging, defaults to UTC

Persistent volumes

  • /etc/amavisd-local.conf: for additional configurations - owner 0, group 101, mode 0640
  • /var/amavis/db: databases - owner 100, group 101, mode 0750
  • /var/amavis/home: amavis working directory - owner 100, group 101, mode 0750
  • /var/amavis/quarantine: quarantined mail - owner 100, group 101, mode 0750
  • /var/amavis/var: spamassassin working directory - owner 100, group 101, mode 0750

Network ports

  • 10024/tcp

This service expects to forward clean mail to a postfix server at POSTFIX_IP on port 10025/tcp and needs a clamav daemon with resolvable hostname clamd listening on port 3310/tcp.


make run


make clean


make build

Build & run


Debug image contents

make debug

Docker Pull Command

docker pull simonrupf/amavis