Stack of nginx web and PHP fpm servers for running wordpress.
Stack of nginx web and PHP fpm servers for running Wordpress. This image doesn't contain Wordpress itself, just PHP fpm incl. MySQL and other modules and nginx.
For best performance, install and enable the WP Super Cache plugin.
See also the base image.
The image supports the use of the following two environment variables to adjust the timezone. This is useful to ensure the logs show the correct local time.
It is recommended to use a tmpfs for /run
and /tmp
. /var/tmp/nginx
contain larger files during caching or uploads, so best leave this as a regular
volume. Attach your PHP application into /var/www/public
If your application can be separated into a public and a non-public part, attach
it to /var/www
instead and ensure the public bits live in a folder called
. This is typically used to separate static files (CSS, ECMAscripts,
images, fonts) and the index.php entrypoint from PHP libraries and (uploaded)
files that should not be directly accessible for security reasons.
: PID files and sockets/tmp
: temporary data of PHP (i.e. sessions) and supervisord/var/tmp/nginx
: temporary data of nginx (i.e. uploads, large responses)/var/www/public
or /var/www
: contents of your PHP application - owner 100, group 82, mode 07508080/tcp
: HTTPmake help
docker pull simonrupf/php-wp