Zeebe CLI via NPM (and Docker).
This is the client command-line binary for Zeebe, packaged for NPM.
To install:
npm i -g zbctl
You can use zbctl
with Docker in CI, or on your local machine if you don't want to install it with npm.
Here is an example of getting the status from a Camunda Cloud cluster. Grab the environment variables from your Camunda Cloud console.
zbctl [options] [command]
zbctl is command line interface designed to create and read resources inside zeebe broker.
It is designed for regular maintenance jobs such as:
* deploying workflows,
* creating jobs and workflow instances
* activating, completing or failing jobs
* update variables and retries
* view cluster status
zbctl [command]
Available Commands:
activate Activate a resource
cancel Cancel resource
complete Complete a resource
create Create resources
deploy Creates new workflow defined by provided BPMN or YAML file as workflowPath
fail Fail a resource
generate Generate documentation
help Help about any command
publish Publish a message
resolve Resolve a resource
set Set a resource
status Checks the current status of the cluster
update Update a resource
version Print the version of zbctl
--address string Specify a contact point address. If omitted, will read from the environment variable 'ZEEBE_ADDRESS' (default '')
--audience string Specify the resource that the access token should be valid for. If omitted, will read from the environment variable 'ZEEBE_TOKEN_AUDIENCE'
--authzUrl string Specify an authorization server URL from which to request an access token. If omitted, will read from the environment variable 'ZEEBE_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_URL' (default "")
--certPath string Specify a path to a certificate with which to validate gateway requests. If omitted, will read from the environment variable 'ZEEBE_CA_CERTIFICATE_PATH'
--clientCache string Specify the path to use for the OAuth credentials cache. If omitted, will read from the environment variable 'ZEEBE_CLIENT_CONFIG_PATH' (default "/Users/sitapati/.camunda/credentials")
--clientId string Specify a client identifier to request an access token. If omitted, will read from the environment variable 'ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID'
--clientSecret string Specify a client secret to request an access token. If omitted, will read from the environment variable 'ZEEBE_CLIENT_SECRET'
-h, --help help for zbctl
--insecure Specify if zbctl should use an unsecured connection. If omitted, will read from the environment variable 'ZEEBE_INSECURE_CONNECTION'
Use "zbctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
docker pull sitapati/zbctl