What is APM Insight PythonAgent?
APM Insight is an application performance monitoring tool by Site24x7, which helps users track and analyze critical business transactions, trace errors across various microservices, and understand the impact of external components on your application's performance
This image is for installing python agent in kubernetes init-container setup, To install python agent pull the image as init-container and use command to copy the folder /opt/site24x7 to /home/apm and use volumemount fro /home/apm. In your application container. Set environemnt to configure S247_LICENSE_KEY for setting license key, APM_APP_NAME for setting application name, APP_RUN_COMMAND provide you application startup command . And to your application container spec add command value as ["/bin/sh", "-c", "/home/apm/"]
Where to get help:
docker pull site24x7/apminsight-pythonagent