
By skalkanci

Updated 9 months ago

Web Servers
Developer Tools


Last Update: 08-JUN-2024


It includes Oracle Instant Client 19.10 and Node.js 18

Until version OEL8*, it includes Oracle Instant Client 18.5 and Node.js 14.

You can use this docker container with any node.js code ( pls see example usage).

ps. it includes GIT client

ps. Since you can run your container via pm2, even if your code fails, your container still will be running.

TAG explanation

latest: Oracle Instant Client 18.5

tag: 0.2-OCI_18.5 -> Version 0.2 with Oracle Instant Client 18.5

tag: 0.2-OCI_19.3 -> Version 0.2 with Oracle Instant client 19.3

ps. 19.3 is not developed any more.

Example Run

(3000 the port my code runs)

--network=host -> to use host network/hosts file (optional)

--restart always -> optional from v0.5, pm2 is included


docker run --name docker_app -p 3000:3000 -v /var/www/appDocker:/src --network=host --restart always skalkanci/nodeoracle:latest sh -c 'npm install && pm2 start app.js && pm2 log'

docker run --name docker_app -v /var/www/appDocker:/src --network=host --restart always skalkanci/nodeoracle:v0.6.0-OCI_18.5 sh -c 'npm install && pm2 start app.js && pm2 log'

docker run --name docker_app -p 3000:3000 -v /var/www/appDocker:/src --network=host --restart always skalkanci/nodeoracle:v0.6.0-OCI_18.5 sh -c 'npm install && pm2 start app.js && pm2 log'


OEL8_v1.0.0_OCI_19.10 -> Oracle Linux 8, Oracle Instant Client 19.10, Node.js v18

v0.6.0-OCI_18.5 -> ImageMagick added (for command: convert)

v0.5.0-OCI_18.5 -> openjpeg-1.5.1 added (for command: image_to_j2k)

Docker Pull Command

docker pull skalkanci/nodeoracle