Last Update: 08-JUN-2024
It includes Oracle Instant Client 19.10 and Node.js 18
Until version OEL8*, it includes Oracle Instant Client 18.5 and Node.js 14.
You can use this docker container with any node.js code ( pls see example usage).
ps. it includes GIT client
ps. Since you can run your container via pm2, even if your code fails, your container still will be running.
latest: Oracle Instant Client 18.5
tag: 0.2-OCI_18.5 -> Version 0.2 with Oracle Instant Client 18.5
tag: 0.2-OCI_19.3 -> Version 0.2 with Oracle Instant client 19.3
ps. 19.3 is not developed any more.
(3000 the port my code runs)
--network=host -> to use host network/hosts file (optional)
--restart always -> optional from v0.5, pm2 is included
docker run --name docker_app -p 3000:3000 -v /var/www/appDocker:/src --network=host --restart always skalkanci/nodeoracle:latest sh -c 'npm install && pm2 start app.js && pm2 log'
docker run --name docker_app -v /var/www/appDocker:/src --network=host --restart always skalkanci/nodeoracle:v0.6.0-OCI_18.5 sh -c 'npm install && pm2 start app.js && pm2 log'
docker run --name docker_app -p 3000:3000 -v /var/www/appDocker:/src --network=host --restart always skalkanci/nodeoracle:v0.6.0-OCI_18.5 sh -c 'npm install && pm2 start app.js && pm2 log'
OEL8_v1.0.0_OCI_19.10 -> Oracle Linux 8, Oracle Instant Client 19.10, Node.js v18
v0.6.0-OCI_18.5 -> ImageMagick added (for command: convert)
v0.5.0-OCI_18.5 -> openjpeg-1.5.1 added (for command: image_to_j2k)
docker pull skalkanci/nodeoracle