Personal DDNS client with Digital Ocean Networking DNS as backend
Personal DDNS client with Digital Ocean Networking DNS as backend.
We have services like DynDNS, No-IP to access PCs remotely. But do we need them? This project is your own DDNS solution and will work for free (thanks to Digital Ocean Networking DNS).
From Wikipedia
Dynamic DNS (DDNS or DynDNS) is a method of automatically updating a name server in the Domain Name System (DNS), often in real time, with the active DDNS configuration of its configured hostnames, addresses or other information.
Download binary from releases to /usr/local/bin/ddns
And start it as:
Or you can download Docker image and use it:
docker run \
-v /path/to/config.yml:/config/.ddns.yml \
skibish/ddns -conf-file /config/.ddns.yml
You can download binary for your OS from releases page.
ATTENTION! Currently tested on Linux and macOS.
Run ddns -h
, to see help. It will output:
Usage of ./ddns:
-check-period duration
Check if IP has been changed period (default 5m0s)
-conf-file string
Location of the configuration file (default "$HOME/.ddns.yml")
-req-timeout duration
Request timeout to external resources (default 10s)
-v Show version and exit
Configuration should be supplied. By default it is read from $HOME/.ddns.yml
You need to setup your domain in Digital Ocean Networks panel.
In your domain name provider configuration point domain to Digital Ocean NS records.
Refer to: How To Point to DigitalOcean Nameservers From Common Domain Registrars
Configuration should be in the following format:
token: "AMAZING TOKEN" # Digital Ocean token
domains: # Domains to update
- ""
forceIPV6: true # Use IPv6 address resolve (Default false and force IPv4)
records: # Records of the domains to update
- type: "A" # Record type
name: "www" # Record name
- type: "TXT"
name: "demo"
data: "My IP is {{.IP}} and I am {{.mood}}" # "data" key is optional. You can write here
# what you want and reference values from "params".
# Key "IP" is reserved.
mood: "cool"
notify: # Optional notifiers
read: below
read: below
read: below
These notifications are based on sirupsen/logrus hooks. Add them to the configuration file as:
# config part from the top
<name of notification>:
# ...configuration
List of supported notifications:
user: ""
password: "1234"
host: "localhost"
port: "22"
to: ""
subject: "My DDNS sending me a message"
secure: true # Optional flag. Set it, if you will send emails with SSL
token: "telegram bot token"
chat_id: "1234"
app_url: "" # url for gotify
app_token: "" # token from gotify app
title: "DDNS" #optional title of messages, defaults to DDNS
docker pull skibish/ddns